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Recipes for Realtors: Compound butter coins

Recipes for Realtors: Compound butter coins

As at the mint, the producer of currency coins stored as a reserve, part of your kitchen mis en place is to keep a pantry supply at the ready. It’s not hoarding, but simply  preparedness. Keeping your reserve butter coins logs rotated and fresh will ensure when you...
Recipes for Realtors: My unusual cognac figgy jus milkshake

Recipes for Realtors: My unusual cognac figgy jus milkshake

Many of my readers are crazy about my fresh-in-season black mission brandied figs that seem to keep forever marinating in a refrigerated figgy jar in Europe’s preferred cognac, Asbach Uralt. I’ve used them a year later. Eventually the riper figs macerate. The cognac...
Recipes for Realtors: Spicy plantain sabayon and crackers

Recipes for Realtors: Spicy plantain sabayon and crackers

Prepare sabayon / zabaglione. So quick, so easy. Add a mashed simmered plantain (not to be confused with banana) that you have spiced with a sachet of cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, nutmeg, allspice and a bay leaf. First soak the filled sachet bag in elderberry...