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How to stop a sales pitch or telemarketer

How to stop a sales pitch or telemarketer

I’ve been out of the real estate business for some time now, but one success strategy that has remained a constant is the ongoing need to prospect. Every agent’s approach differs I’m sure. Some might use long stretches at the kiosk display their company has at the...
Real estate repair songs

Real estate repair songs

Music is such a great background companion when you’re working – and some songs seem like they were written specifically for while you’re fixing up a house. Consider these famous tracks that coincidentally may have been subliminally composed during thoughts of...
Dan St. Yves: Arc of a Realtor

Dan St. Yves: Arc of a Realtor

If you’ve been a Realtor for any significant length of time, you’ve likely gone through some highs and lows in your career. In your early years, the lows might have been the balance in your bank account, but I’m sure everyone who has helped clients for a greater...
Dan St. Yves: Gas prices in orbit!

Dan St. Yves: Gas prices in orbit!

I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but our city council in Calgary has determined that all residents should consider either taking transit or riding bicycles into and around the city. Given our reputation as CowTown, I’m surprised we’re not being advised to...
Dan St. Yves: The unlikely tin-basher

Dan St. Yves: The unlikely tin-basher

Right about this time of year, a man comes to appreciate a smooth and efficient furnace. Never being particularly handy around the house, I like to know that when I move that dial on the thermostat, heat will stream effortlessly through the vents and the dog won’t...