by James R.G. Cook | Sep 6, 2023 | Legal Issues
QUICK HITS In the case of More v. 1362279 Ontario Ltd. (Seiko Homes), a real estate dispute highlighted the importance of understanding closing deadlines in property transactions. When the APS lacks a specified time for closing, midnight is often assumed, but...
by James R.G. Cook | Aug 29, 2023 | Legal Issues
Agreements for the sale of real estate may sometimes require one of the parties to complete certain steps before the transaction can be completed, such as applying for permits or ensuring that the land can be legally conveyed. Disputes may arise over which party has...
by James R.G. Cook | Aug 10, 2023 | Legal Issues
The Ontario Land Titles Act (LTA) provides that a registered mortgage that is determined to be a fraudulent instrument is void and may be deleted from title. This provision is commonly used in circumstances where an imposter has posed as a mortgagor in order to secure...
by James R.G. Cook | Jul 26, 2023 | Legal Issues, News
Disputes between neighbours over property boundaries and rights-of-way are often messy and fraught with charged emotions as each party asserts their respective claims. Such disputes may require the court to review title documents dating back many decades to determine...
by James R.G. Cook | Jul 18, 2023 | Legal Issues
Real estate agents often represent co-owners or potential buyers during the course of a transaction, and at times they may receive communications from only one of the clients. In such cases, agents should take reasonable steps to ensure that the clients have agreed...