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Develop your professional product mix

Develop your professional product mix

If you have already completed the customer, product or market marketing research functions that I discussed in my last column, then you’re likely full of valuable insights for designing your product development functions. It is critical to establish the projects you...
Bubbles and booms in Canadian real estate

Bubbles and booms in Canadian real estate

Canadian real estate continues to experience an exciting boom in some markets, caused by some powerful positive forces in our economy. But it could be destroyed by ignorance, false comparisons and superficial research and analyses. Our media has been prone to...
Your strategic business plan

Your strategic business plan

Most real estate clients play Realtor Roulette. They flip through pamphlets, ask a friend, click their iPhone or go to an open house. If you truly want to succeed at Realtor Roulette you need a bullet in every chamber. In other words you need a business plan with a...
Are Realtors becoming indentured servants?

Are Realtors becoming indentured servants?

Legalized bondage is nothing new as millions of workers used to be called “indentured servants”.  The fact is they were under contract to serve someone else, just like “independent contractors”.  Of course the laws compressing their lives were quite...