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Marty Douglas: Apathy and annual general meetings

Marty Douglas: Apathy and annual general meetings

I’m in Las Vegas. Sin City. Overlooking the vast rooftops of the Mandalay Bay Resort. The pools aren’t open yet – they’re waiting for Spring Break. Having just emcee’d the Banff Western Connection, I’m adjusting to the leisure of a regular attendee at my brand’s...
Studies just tell us what we already knew

Studies just tell us what we already knew

Planning sessions, whether short or long range, are a sop to the membership of organizations, sold to our leaders by facilitators and resold to us by our executive officers because, because… well, we’ve always done it that way. I’m guilty of the exercise on all sides...
Part-time real estate agents and disclosure

Part-time real estate agents and disclosure

Happy New Year! Imagine you’re a civilian. You are meeting a real estate licensee for the first time, considering whether or not to list your home and then perhaps buy another. Because you owe all of them money, you can’t ask friends or family for a recommendation so...
Honouring Harold Waddell

Honouring Harold Waddell

When in unfamiliar territory — a church for example — look for things to do, like questioning the spelling in one of the Psalms — is it “annoint” or “anoint”? By applying the familiar short vowel/double consonant rule, I chose the one with two ‘n’s...