Tune in as we share our top six simple steps to closing our first 10 deals in the first quarter.
We get hyper-focused on scheduling, how to meet and talk to more people and counting the numbers. Now is the time to increase your focus because results just don’t happen overnight. These straight-forward strategies can be implemented immediately into your daily disciplines to give you the momentum you need to accomplish your goals. Let’s put your plan in place, together. We want to help accelerate your business.
This is an episode of IN THE HOUSE, hosted by real estate experts, top producers, entrepreneurs and public speakers Jenny Wun and Toni Sing. Tune in weekly for a mix of real estate business tips, actionable business building strategies and aspirational stories to maximize your professional and personal growth. Our fireside chats breaking down challenging real estate deals to overcoming real-life barriers will provide a roadmap to help build your real estate empire.