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New 2024 president and board of directors announced at OREA

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Following its annual general meeting on March 5, the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) announced Oakville-based real estate broker, Rick Kedzior, as president of OREA.


Looking forward “to improve the real estate profession today and for the future”


Kedzior will represent Ontario’s near-100,000 realtors on the association’s 2024 board of directors. He’ll be tasked with:

  • Leading efforts to establish Ontario realtors as North American leaders in professional standards and education.
  • Advocating for pro-homeownership policies to address the province’s housing affordability crisis.
  • Guiding members in navigating challenging market conditions.


About the opportunity, Kedzior says, “I’m honoured to be taking on the important role of OREA president in 2024 and I look forward to working with our realtor members and member boards to improve the real estate profession today and for the future.

We can only get there by working and collaborating as a team, so I encourage all of our members and leaders to come together for the next generation of realtors and continue the fight to keep the dream of homeownership alive for all Ontarians.”


New president-elect


As well, Belleville-based real estate salesperson Cathy Polan was elected 2024 president-elect and will also serve as provincial director for Northeastern Ontario. 

“As realtors, we love nothing more than making sure that young Ontarians and their families get the keys to a great place to call home, in the vibrant communities they want to live in,” says Polan.

“As the 2024 president-elect at OREA, I look forward to holding the government’s feet to the fire when it comes to addressing the housing supply crisis, while also serving our members so they can stay ahead in this competitive real estate market.”


2024 board’s new and returning members


OREA’s 2024 board of directors welcomes the following new members: 

  • Randy Pawlowski, director-at-large
  • Ryan Humble, director-at-large
  • Dustin Davis, provincial director for Southern Ontario
  • Meredith Kennedy, provincial director for Central Ontario

The following board members are returning or continuing the second year of their two-year term:

  • Tania Artenosi, past-president
  • Paul Etherington, director-at-large
  • Lisa Patel, director-at-large
  • Andrew McAllister, provincial director for Central Ontario
  • Dwight Delahunt, provincial director for Eastern Ontario
  • Donna Mathewson, provincial director for Western Ontario
  • Kimberly Fairley, provincial director for Northern Ontario


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