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Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board honours Joe Pearson for 50-year career

Joe Pearson, an associate broker with Re/Max Priscilla in Vernon, B.C. was recently recognized by the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) for his 50-year career as a Realtor, which is still going strong.

Pearson, a member of the Board of Directors at OMREB, was formerly president and CEO of National Real Estate and he has had a long career volunteering for roles in organized real estate.

“OMREB has a tradition of awarding long-service pins for those who have served our industry for 25 years or more. We typically award an average of eleven 25-year pins each year,” said Michael Loewen, OMREB’s past-president, during the board’s virtual AGM recently.

“We have awarded 30-year pins, even the occasional 40-year pin. It is very rare that we have the privilege of awarding a 50-year pin. In fact, we found it difficult to recall the last time we acknowledged 50 years of service at OMREB,” said Loewen.

“But today it is my very distinct honour to present Joe Pearson with his 50-year pin. Pierre Trudeau was prime minister of Canada in 1970; WAC Bennett was premier of B.C. Eggs were less than 60 cents/dozen; gas was 80 cents/gallon (22 cents/liter) and the average price of a house in Toronto was less than $30,000. Disco was in and the Beatles broke up. While I was only 19 that year, some 600 of our current members weren’t even born yet.

“Joe is a well-respected Realtor within our board, provincially and nationally. He has not only provided exemplary service to his own residential and commercial clients, but he has also served our industry – on the OMREB Board where he was president in 2003, on numerous committees and in other capacities. He has also volunteered at the provincial and national levels. And although fully entitled to rest on his many laurels, Joe returned to serve, even one more time on the OMREB board having been elected earlier this year. A remarkable record of service and dedication,” said Loewen.

Videos from CREA chair Costa Poulopoulos and BCREA president Anthony Bastiaanssen were shown at the AGM to congratulate Pearson.

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