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RAHB and WRAR welcome SDREB and MREB in pursuing amalgamation

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The following announcement was posted on October 20 on


The Board of Directors of the Realtors Association of Hamilton-Burlington (RAHB), the Waterloo Region Association of Realtors (WRAR), the Simcoe & District Real Estate Board (SDREB) and the Mississauga Real Estate Board (MREB) are pleased to announce that SDREB and MREB have signed a letter of intent to join the amalgamation of the four organizations to bring our realtors together in the region.


9,000+ member group


This proposed amalgamation will combine approximately 3,800 RAHB members, 2,600 WRAR members, 160 SDREB members and 2,500 MREB members into one organization that can better serve and represent our local realtors.

“We’ve been reviewing and discussing how SDREB can take a meaningful leap in the delivery of services and support of our members,” says SDREB president, David Puddy. “We had several options to choose from, but this was clearly the best partnership to support our values of strengthening the voice of SDREB realtors throughout our region.”

“When considering our options, we wanted a partnership rather than a service delivery model,” says SDREB EO Sandra Szymezko. “We know from our experience with ITSO and prior to that ORTIS, that the voice of SDREB and our members is effective and can influence change in even these much larger associations.”


“Logical next step to partner with like-minded peers to make a quantum leap forward”


“For the Mississauga board, this amalgamation presented a unique opportunity to continue our growth and support of members,” says Michael Kennelly, MREB president. “In recent years, MREB has reinvented itself by doubling down on the delivery of services to members, and we feel this is the logical next step to partner with likeminded peers to make a quantum leap forward, not only for the association but also our members and brokerage community.”

“This past year has awakened more member attention in the operations of real estate boards than any other,” states Ray Dubash, CEO of MREB. “Members are questioning why we need 34 boards in Ontario, and the answer is we do not. The efficiencies we can leverage with this one step is the only way to provide the quality of services demanded by our members.”

If RAHB, WRAR, SDREB and MREB members approve, the amalgamation will empower the new organization to focus on giving realtors a stronger position with local consumers, government and other real estate associations. By combining the strengths of all organizations, realtor members can expect better access to even more quality tools and expertise to thrive in the market.


Better and more member service


This amalgamation will maintain local offices and dedicated staff, ensuring that members continue to benefit from local professional support. “This amalgamation is about better and more service to our members, not less,” says RAHB board president Nicolas von Bredow. “In today’s changing real estate landscape, our members expect us to keep in front of the issues and to protect their interests over the long term. This amalgamation illustrates our boards’ laser focus on our members’ future success,” says WRAR board president, Megan Bell.


Today’s announcement injects SDREB and MREB into the formal consultation with RAHB and WRAR. Throughout this process, members will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in the details of the new association. Once the consultation process is complete, the proposal will be put to the membership for a final vote.


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