Affordable rental housing can be hard to find in the Hamilton, Ont. area, and Indwell (formerly Homestead Christian Care) is addressing the need by building Rudy Hulst Commons, a permanent affordable housing complex in Hamilton’s East End. The block will also house Indwell’s new headquarters and street-level commercial units.
The Realtors Association of Hamilton-Burlington (RAHB), on behalf of its members and the Ontario Realtors Care Foundation, recently donated $15,000 for the project.
“Realtors don’t just sell houses; Realtors sell communities – the same communities in which they live and work,” says RAHB president Tim Mattioli. “Everyone wins when we can build safe, decent and affordable housing.”
Members, sponsors and friends of RAHB showed their generosity and community spirit by raising over $48,500 for the 900CHML/Y108/ 953 Fresh FM Children’s Fund. The funds were raised at the recent RAHB Charity Auction & Social held annually to support The Children’s Fund.

RAHB 2014 president Tim Mattioli and members of the Charity Auction Task Force present Olivia DePetris, VP of The Children’s Fund, with a cheque for $48,557.
“This auction shows the great things that happen when Realtors and the community come together,” says Aileen Araujo, co-chair of this year’s Charity Auction Task Force. “The support we received was amazing.”
Proceeds from the partnership between RAHB and the Corus radio stations continue to support many local children’s charities throughout Hamilton and Burlington area year round. During the 26 years of the partnership, RAHB’s annual auction has raised more than $838,000 for the charity, making RAHB its single largest contributor.