When we think back to the initial years of the advancement of technology, we were excited about carrying around a cell phone that weighed as much as a turkey. We were equally excited when the real estate boards started to use computers to handle MLS listings. And oh my! What a treat to have our messaging move from a buzzer or voice-activated message to digital on our pagers.
We’re now experiencing more electronic gadgetry than ever before. It changes almost every 90-120 days, even for some fossils like me (I’ve ordered the new iPhone to keep abreast of everything that’s going on). It is of note that electronic signatures are accepted in the USA and it is felt that the same will happen here in the near future.
Google and YouTube have advanced technologies that enhance our abilities to communicate to millions and millions of pairs of eyes. Recently at our brokerage, a million-dollar-plus listing was leased at $5,000/month to a CEO of a new firm from Oslo, Norway, who saw it on YouTube or Facebook.
I was musing about this last article for REM for 2011 and I read All Part of the Job by Tom Brady, from an article in the New York Times. Brady’s column really nailed down what’s happening in all industries and all forms of commerce, including our own.
Brady talks about “mundane jobs spread amongst us” and says that “performing small services for one another was even an act of civility.” He says, “Those days are over. The robots are in charge now….”
But, here’s the kicker: As agents, we still must advance our learning with the times. And the times are moving faster than ever.
Over the years, I’ve always been fascinated with all the ins and outs of our industry. I recall several years back, in 1997, I warned that agents who do not keep up with technology would be left behind.
Most of the new recruits coming into our offices are near the median age group of 28.5 years. They are all very computer savvy. Our office keeps up with what’s available and offers it up to our agents to help them better serve their community. The real estate boards are achieving higher standards of service than ever before in my four decades in the business.
Look, this doesn’t mean that we still don’t have to do the grunt work needed to communicate. We have to merge our daily activities with technology more than ever before.
We all need to be on top of our game. Carpe Diem!
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Heino Molls and to my long-suffering editor, Jim Adair, for putting up with my last minute articles. I’d like to thank you, my readers, who take the time to write in your comments, good, bad or indifferent. It is indeed rewarding to the guy who writes As I See It From My Desk. I hope to continue writing for many years to come because it’s a fun thing to do and gives me a chance to vent at times, or just talk to you from “My Desk….”
Stan Albert, broker/manager, ABR, ASA at Re/Max Premier in Vaughan, Ont. can be reached for consultation at stanalb@rogers.com. Stan is now celebrating 40 years as an active real estate professional.
Stan Albert, ABR, ASA is a consultant with Re/Max Premier in Vaughan, Ont. He can be reached for consultation by email. Stan is now celebrating his 45th year as an active real estate professional.