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Creating a positive first impression online

Creating a positive first impression online

Whether it was Oscar Wilde or Will Rogers who first said, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” they were right. First impressions begin as soon as someone clicks on Google search. Prospects start forming opinions right away, which is why it’s...
Promoting your brand to different markets

Promoting your brand to different markets

There are four basic markets a real estate sales representative may wish to target with advertising. These are consumers, businesses, professionals and the trade. Each group requires a slightly different campaign but they all can be centred on a fundamental...
Real estate content marketing in 2022

Real estate content marketing in 2022

The online marketing toolkit for sales representatives hasn’t changed that much in the past 10 years. We have seen some improvements to reliability and automation. Online advertising seems to be sorting itself out, slowly. Websites are becoming more standardized and...