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The top 5 secrets to more listings

The top 5 secrets to more listings

In today’s market, what is the biggest challenge you are facing? If you said, “How to get more listings because the competition is so fierce,” you are not alone. Just about everyone is feeling that now. The key to your success is to realize that Success = Right...
Who is the typical Canadian home buyer?

Who is the typical Canadian home buyer?

Not a day goes by without a new piece of news popping up about the real estate market in Canada. As we’ve been watching home prices hitting record after record in most metropolises across Canada, most of us have probably been asking ourselves where all this is going...
Watch: 5 ways to find listings

Watch: 5 ways to find listings

If you’re in one of Canada’s larger city centres, chances are you are currently dealing with a shortage of inventory, overpriced listings and competing offers. Imagine if you could tap into a host of other hidden resources for your buyers, offer more selection and...
Listing bloopers cause unintentional giggles

Listing bloopers cause unintentional giggles

We’ve all done it. Typed the wrong numbers into the wrong space on the listing, hit “send,” and then realized we screwed up. But sometimes we miss the obvious listing bloopers. Like this Ottawa listing where the good news is that property taxes will be coming down....