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Using procrastination as a positive

Using procrastination as a positive

Remember those good old days back in college when you knew you had finals lurking just a couple of weeks away and you committed to study a little bit each night? You promised to be disciplined and not wait to cram everything in at the last minute. And what happened?...
From procrastination to productivity

From procrastination to productivity

If you are currently suffering from procrastination, let’s explore why and what you can do about it. You don’t love what you do and you’re not excited about it. If you are not eager to work, it can be because you’re thinking about the money you don’t have and the...
The secret to being that much better

The secret to being that much better

Here’s a fascinating analysis of how doing the extra things necessary to come out on top will make a huge difference in your overall results. A study of the top professional golfers in the world revealed how close the difference is between being good and being...