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How to get things done

How to get things done

Are you getting things done that are important to you? In one of my favorite books, The 4 disciplines of execution, the author talks about four key points of discipline. One of those points is that we get stuck focusing on the wrong things. Are you focusing on urgent...
How to make yourself more accountable

How to make yourself more accountable

“I need someone to hold me accountable.” This is the most common phrase I hear in my coaching class. In this video, Bruce Keith outlines his three-way system on how to hold yourself accountable. More accountability = more productivity. Bruce KeithBruce Keith is a...
An easy way to create your best 2017

An easy way to create your best 2017

Did you hit your sales and income targets for 2016? Have you set goals or planned for your successes in 2017?  Are you good at taking inventory of your successes and failures and converting them into a new focused plan moving into 2017? There’s a myth that organizing...
5 steps to better time management

5 steps to better time management

Real estate courses teach us what it wakes to facilitate a real estate transaction and abide by the governing rules and regulations. We are given the handbooks and instructors show us the “ins and outs” of the transaction along with the relationship we will have with...