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Uncharted territory: WRAR to not invoice for ORWP in OREA dues

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On December 8, a new development in the controversial debate about the Ontario Realtor Wellness Program (ORWP) – which, on November 29, was voted to move forward as mandatory – was posted to the Facebook group, “Legal Fund for Ontario Agents”.


What it means


In the email posted, Waterloo Region Association of Realtors (WRAR) president, Christal Moura, explains that WRAR members “will not be able to access any features of the ORWP as part of your WRAR membership.” She goes on to mention how ORWP services may be accessed through a dual membership with another board if members have this.

The letter also notes that WRAR will refund any Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) dues collected by WRAR for dual board members to ensure that members are not charged twice.


Uncharted territory without precedent


As Moura notes in the letter, “This is uncharted territory, and no precedent exists in how OREA will react.”

The board states its greatest concern is access to standard forms. “While OREA has a history of licensing its forms to real estate lawyers in Ontario, we cannot rely on the same being offered to us, which is why WRAR is actively developing alternative forms,” Moura continues.


Positive reception


The majority of comments on the bold move have been positive.

For example, Jordana Weiss says, “So proud of WRAR. They have been carefully researching the ORWP from the beginning and have actively listened to the concerns of their membership. So impressed by our Board and Bill Duce.”

“This creates an interesting scenario. If suddenly people decide to migrate to WRAR, thus leaving their current brokerage, does that not make this a competition bureau issue? The brokerages losing members could technically claim that having the ORWP is negatively affecting their brokerage. I said this from the beginning … If enough people leave OREA, the premiums will have to be increased. If the premiums increase, more people will leave. They have totally shot themselves in the foot with this mandate,” says Tina Forte.


OREA is aware of this development and is in touch with WRAR’s leadership to discuss the matter. WRAR has not yet responded to REM’s request for comment.

We will update this post with any new information received.


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