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We must welcome more immigration

The price for a house in Canada will continue to go up unabated for the foreseeable future. Prices for condominiums will rise as well, but not as substantially as house prices. It’s all just a matter of supply and demand. It’s not rocket science. There are simply not enough houses in this country to match the demand for them. The demand for houses will continue to be driven by what should be an endless supply of new buyers coming into the market, not annually, not even monthly but daily.

The number of immigrants coming into our country will ensure demand will maintain its robust clip. The numbers will surge in the coming years, because we have to open this country to even more immigrants than the number we allow today. We must do this if we want to sleep at night in the face of the great human tragedies that are raging in our world today.

If there is another country that offers greater opportunity, greater potential and more desirability I have not heard of it. We are obliged to share it. Canada is the greatest country on the planet and it will continue to be so for years and years to come, provided we don’t let it get screwed up. That is a simple task that some people are arguably making complex but I believe we can persevere and win over the idiots.

There is no ticket more precious than the one that gets you into this country. It has greater value than any lottery. It means that you and your family have landed an opportunity to work and be rewarded for your work in a good home and a lifestyle that is beyond the dreams of many people in the rest of the world.

Everyone in this country has a chance and whether you have only arrived here recently (congratulations) or you have lived here for many decades, it’s all yours, free of charge. You have a chance to work honourably, decently and with dignity. There is no one that has to be paid off in this country. There is nothing that can repress your vigour. There are many obstacles, oh man, I could tell you stories about obstacles. There are more challenges for some and less for others, but all can be overcome.

We all need luck and we all need help but all these things come to those who work hard. Building a business means first building a reputation and the building blocks you need are free. They are called honesty and integrity. It sounds so easy, yet so many are unable to deliver them.

The real estate business remains an enterprise that can be entered with a relatively low investment compared to other businesses, and rewards good hard honest work. Delivering that level of hard work can be overwhelming. Maintaining a high level of integrity can be maddening when it might seem that so many others cheat. It does, however, pay off to remain honest. Sometimes success comes after a long time of frustration that can seem endless but it does pay off. You could say that about a lot of professions but we are dealing with real estate in these pages and we are working in the greatest country in the world, Canada.

The best thing we could do with all this freedom is to share it with others. Whenever we can and wherever we can we should support initiatives that encourage greater immigration. Living in this country is a great treasure. What better thing is there to do with great treasure than to give it away? Let’s share this country with others.

We’ll have to build more houses.

Happy Canada Day!

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