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Ask a Stager: 10 ways to convince your clients that home staging is necessary

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As a real estate agent, you know the importance of making a property look its best before listing it on the market. However, convincing clients that home staging is a necessary investment can sometimes be challenging.

To help, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to effectively communicate the benefits of home staging and persuade your clients to take this crucial step to help them achieve their sales goal.


1. Explain the concept of home staging


Start by educating your clients on what home staging actually entails. Many homeowners might think it’s merely about cleaning up or rearranging furniture. Clarify that home staging is marketing that involves strategically enhancing a property’s appeal by arranging furniture, décor and accessories to highlight its strengths, downplay its weaknesses and appeal to the greatest possible pool of prospective buyers.

Use analogies to get this point across (e.g. which of these two cupcake options would you pay more for and why?) Analogies can help make abstract concepts more relatable. Compare home staging to preparing for a job interview: just as a candidate dresses well and prepares thoroughly to make a strong impression, a home should be presented in its best light to impress potential buyers.



2. Share the statistics


Nothing is more convincing than hard data, and numbers are a universal language. So, do your research and share relevant statistics that demonstrate the impact of home staging.

For example, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) 2023 Profile of Home Staging, 58 per cent of buyers’ agents reported that home staging had an effect on most buyers’ view of the home, and 81 per cent of buyers’ agents said staging made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.

A report from the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) found that staged homes spend 72 per cent less time on the market compared to their unstaged counterparts. Better still, keep your own performance track record of staged properties vs. those that are unstaged properties and share your own personal success stories with clients. If you don’t have your own data, reach out to a local stager for their statistics. 


3. Show before and after photos


Visual proof can be very persuasive. Prepare a portfolio of before and after photos of properties you’ve staged. Highlight how staging transformed cluttered, personalized spaces into clean, neutral environments that appeal to a wider audience. Better still, take them to see a few properties that are staged vs. unstaged, watch their reactions and discuss their first impression when walking through these properties. Seeing the tangible difference can help clients understand the value of staging.



4. Discuss the return on investment


Home staging is an investment, not an expense. Explain that while there is an upfront cost, the potential return is significant. Staged homes not only sell faster but often for a higher price. 

According to the NAR report, 20 per cent of sellers’ agents reported an increase of 1-5 per cent in dollar value offered by buyers compared to similar homes. Remind them that the cost of staging ($4,000 on average) is significantly less than the first price adjustment (about $50,000) when interest softens after two weeks on the market.


5. Highlight buyer psychology


Discuss how buyers’ psychology plays a role in the homebuying process. Buyers often make a decision within the first few minutes of seeing a home and in today’s busy world, they want a move-in-ready home with minimal deficiencies.

A well-staged home not only creates a positive first impression, making buyers feel more emotionally connected to the property, but it can also put them at ease knowing that the home has been well-maintained. This connection can be the deciding factor in whether they make an offer or move on to the next property.


6. Provide testimonials


Share testimonials from past clients who have benefited from staging. Personal stories about how staging helped them sell quickly or for a higher price can be compelling. Written testimonials or short video clips can add credibility and help hesitant clients feel more confident in your recommendation.

7. Offer a staging consultation


Sometimes clients need to hear it from an expert. At a minimum, arrange a consultation with a professional home stager. During the consultation, the stager can explain their process, offer insights specific to your client’s property, answer questions and concerns and provide an estimate.

This professional opinion can often tip the scales in your favour. Even if they decided against the full staging services, they will now be equipped with valuable advice to get their home closer to being show-ready.


8. Discuss the competition


Explain that in a competitive real estate market, every advantage counts. This is especially important as we move closer to a buyer’s market where the number of competitive listings outweighs buyer demand.

Show them the number of competing homes on the market that are staged, and buyers will compare staged homes to unstaged ones. In such comparisons, unstaged homes often fall short.


9. Address cost concerns


If cost is a significant concern, suggest budget-friendly staging options. Sometimes, minor adjustments like decluttering, rearranging furniture and adding a few new décor items can make a huge difference. Emphasize that even small investments can yield substantial returns.

Here are some solutions to recommend to clients:

  1. Take out a line of credit 
  2. Consider reverse mortgage (if applicable)
  3. Discuss consolidation options with a mortgage broker
  4. Agent to subsidize the staging cost upfront and be paid back at closing


10. Detail the process


Have your stager walk your clients through the staging process step-by-step. Knowing what to expect can alleviate their concerns.

Explain that the stager will handle everything, from planning and moving furniture to accessorizing and final touches. Emphasize that the inconvenience is temporary but the benefits are long-lasting and far outweigh the pre-sale preparation efforts.


Convincing clients that home staging is necessary involves a combination of education, evidence and empathy. By presenting clear statistics, sharing visual proof, addressing concerns and demonstrating your commitment, you can help clients see the value in staging and take the necessary steps to ensure a successful sale.

Let your clients know that you’re committed to helping them achieve the best possible outcome. Explain that home staging is a part of your overall marketing strategy to ensure their home stands out in the market. When clients see your dedication to their success, they’re more likely to trust your recommendations.

Home staging is not just about making a property look pretty; it’s about creating a strategic marketing tool that maximizes the property’s potential and appeal, ultimately leading to a faster and more profitable sale.


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