Everyone knows that your existing customers should be regularly followed up with after the successful sale, to build an ongoing relationship and hopefully, customers for life.
How often does that happen, for example, with a car salesperson? Not very often. But sadly, it’s the same with a lot of real estate salespeople. Once the sale is over they have forgotten their seller and lose contact.
You can take advantage of those other Realtors that don’t follow through with their sellers.
Most agents, once they have lost a listing, never see that seller again. But those who think outside the box have struck a goldmine. Watch the video for more.
Australian-born Ian Grace is acknowledged as the world’s leading authority on real estate advertising. Since 1994, he has delivered his programs throughout Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A, Canada and the U.K. He has been invited to speak at the NAR Realtors Conference nine times and is the only person outside North America, ever invited more than four times. Visit his website or send him an email.