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Remember the spiders when blogging

I would like to congratulate columnist Kim Rempel on her lofty ambitions (Writing a blog that people are dying to read, December REM).

There are a couple of things she forgot to mention, more on the mechanical side of things. Blogging is very important, especially if you’re not the kind of real estate agent who does most of his or her business while out golfing. Yes, Realtors need to blog. It ranks up there with sending out flyers, cold calling and bench advertising. It’s a big bad world out there and everyone is busy thinking of news way to generate leads. The old days of office freebies are long gone.

Some web guy once tried to explain to me while I was having a spicy original chicken sandwich at Burger King (with Coke) that there are spiders out there on the web that go out at night around midnight. They search for new content and then upload it to into its proper channels. If you blog, for example, about “Girls intermediate soccer in Vaughan” you might want to throw in some words like “Vaughan playoff results” or “Limited parking a problem at Vaughan Public Parks” or even something like “Nike Soccer Balls”.

My point is that what you write about on the Internet will get analyzed and sorted by these little spiders in ways that are difficult to comprehend.

Check out this blog that I posted about a rental complex in London Ontario.

Peter Daoust newHopefully with this style of writing people will some day find me.


Peter Daoust
Re/Max Advantage Realty
London, Ont.

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