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Association of Regina Realtors continue support of After School Program

The Association of Regina Realtors (ARR) has donated more than $125,000 to the North Central Youth Centre (NCFC) over the years. Recently the association donated another $5,000 to support the NCFC After School Program.

Past support from Regina Realtors has included providing books and supplies for the centre’s classes, equipment for Clean the Neighbourhood Project, construction of an outdoor courtyard and funding for the Youth Empowerment Program.

“Year after year, we see the difference NCFC is making to the youth and their families involved in various programs,” says Tim Otitoju, ARR president and Regina Realtor. “They’re helping to build a better future, not just for the participants, but for the whole community. It’s inspiring to see the great work being done and to know that we’ve played a small role in their success.”

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