by David Greenspan | Jun 6, 2019 | Advice for Agents
A lot of the tech in our real estate industry is now about chasing leads. When did the world change so that homeowners are no longer people? Why is it always about chasing leads? Do we recognize what business we’re in? This is a people business, a relationship...
by David Greenspan | May 9, 2019 | Columnists
Too often, when we’re in real estate sales or any type of sales for that matter, we typically tell people that we sell homes, or we sell mortgages…. whatever. But that’s not actually the case. Watch! David GreenspanDavid Greenspan, CEO and founder of...
by David Greenspan | Apr 11, 2019 | Advice for Agents
Never assume people know what you do for a living, or that they will use your services just because they know you. Make sure you ask questions about what people want and let them know what you want! Watch David Greenspan explain in this short video. David...
by David Greenspan | Mar 7, 2019 | Advice for Agents
A recent survey of real estate salespeople found that the three things they hate doing most to get business are in fact the top ways they earn their business. And although everyone wants to up their online presence, most aren’t willing to do what it takes…even...
by David Greenspan | Feb 7, 2019 | Advice for Agents
The days are flying by fast. Are you still in relax mode? Are you still looking for answers and trying to make your plan for 2019? If you are, then you’re late! If you’re already full steam ahead, that’s great! Either way, it’s all going to creep up faster...