by David Greenspan | Jan 3, 2019 | Advice for Agents
How often we hear, “Oh, I’m too busy!” Then we say we get most of our business from people we know. So, if you know where the business comes from, and you know calling is hugely helpful, why do you make it so hard to make those calls? Check out this short video. David...
by David Greenspan | Dec 6, 2018 | Advice for Agents
Having the courage to connect with people is what will build your business, says David Greenspan in this short video. David GreenspanDavid Greenspan, CEO and founder of #MindShare101 is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, trainer and coach who helps sales...
by David Greenspan | Nov 1, 2018 | Advice for Agents
Active touchpoints build the relationship. Passive touchpoints deliver the business message. In this one-minute video, David Greenspan outlines how to use them effectively with your clients. David GreenspanDavid Greenspan, CEO and founder of #MindShare101 is a...
by David Greenspan | Oct 26, 2018 | Advice for Agents, Featured
The roller coaster of marketing ideas continues to take over the real estate industry. As we search for new ways to get business, it seems that the easy answer is to spend money on a technology-based tool – such as a new website, social media, chatbots or any type of...
by David Greenspan | Oct 4, 2018 | Advice for Agents
It’s amazing how many real estate people are totally confused about social media and online advertising. Everybody is spending a ton of money and everyone is saying, “This isn’t really working for me.” David Greenspan offers some simple advice in this one-minute...