Are you happy right now? No seriously, are you genuinely happy right now? This is a tough time for everyone being all cooped up, routines completely changed from everything we know, isolated from the world around us. And it’s easy to get into a state of depression, or to get emotional about the situation. It’s easy to lash out at others because our frustrations can get the best of us at times.
Have you thought about how you’re managing this time? Have you thought about how you want your look back to be? Do you want to be someone who was angry, upset and mean? Or do you want to look back and have positive thoughts, or at the very least be proud of how you managed the right now? In this video I share with you how to make sure that you will be the person who was positive, who was helping others, who leaves a positive mark on the situation when its all said and done. This is how to manage the right now.

David Greenspan, CEO and founder of #MindShare101 is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, trainer and coach who helps sales professionals and businesses improve their sales and marketing efforts by
bridging the gap between online and offline marketing to achieve a higher ROI on every marketing dollar spent. His direct, raw, and real approach is designed to motivate you and give you the advice you need to know.
David’s goal is to help you build MindShare, creating a top-of-mind intuitive, instinctive reaction so when people think of the product or service you offer, they think of your name first, always putting you
in the right place at the right time to take your business to the next level.