Sometimes its hard to shut off our mind. Dealing with people everyday, something is bound to not go the way we want it to, or there’s a situation and we just rack our brains, we stew, thinking about all the what ifs even though we don’t have control of the outcome.
That’s when we need to realize we cannot let this situation affect how we handle the next situation and more importantly we cannot let it effect the way we carry ourselves.
These three steps are what I ask myself every time I get to this point. By answering them, it allows me to get a handle on everything going on. I realize there’s no reason to stress, and now I have relaxed my mind, and have myself back to operating at 100 per cent.
Try it!

David Greenspan, CEO and founder of #MindShare101 is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, trainer and coach who helps sales professionals and businesses improve their sales and marketing efforts by
bridging the gap between online and offline marketing to achieve a higher ROI on every marketing dollar spent. His direct, raw, and real approach is designed to motivate you and give you the advice you need to know.
David’s goal is to help you build MindShare, creating a top-of-mind intuitive, instinctive reaction so when people think of the product or service you offer, they think of your name first, always putting you
in the right place at the right time to take your business to the next level.