Whether you have been a real estate professional for ten years or one year, there are some realities we all need to face in the world of #RealtorLife. Especially when things get tough.
We know there are agents out there who are crushing it! They seem (according to their Instagram stories, anyway) like they sell houses every day and are living the high life. Not a great thing to see when you’re staring at your phone and wondering why it’s not ringing. Are your notifications turned on? Did you accidentally put it on airplane mode again? How can you rev up that motivation that you started this career with? How can you build momentum and get more sales on the books?
It begins with YOU, and it starts today.
Use whatever your personal motivation preference is
Everyone finds motivation in different ways. Some people (present company included) get all riled up at sales conferences. The energy! The boost of confidence! The ideas! It can feel great listening to a powerful keynote speaker or reading an inspirational personal development book. On the other hand, others find those conferences akin to torture.
Whatever your personal preference is for motivation, use it. As Zig Ziglar said, “People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.”
It’s actually a lot of fun to learn about what motivates you. Because when you find it, miracles can happen.
If you’re a quotes-are-inspiring kind of realtor, here are six that help me dig in and find that first spark of motivation when I’m feeling a little less than awesome in this business.
6 quotes to find that motivational spark
These first two quotes are about how just starting is the point. While we can be frustrated that others seem to be so much further ahead or that we’re late in the game, the key is getting started (or re-started) TODAY.
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.”
– Zig Ziglar
“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now.”
– Chinese Proverb
The next two are from my favourite real estate mentor, Mr. Brian Buffini. They’re about believing in your abilities and knowing the secret lies within YOU. These two magic sentences have accompanied me through some very frustrating times.
“If they can do it, I can do it.”
– Brian Buffini
“I did it before; I can do it again.”
– Brian Buffini
These last two are essential because they focus on the power of belief and how thoughts are things. If you have watched or read The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, or Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl, you know that the mind is a very powerful tool. In my experience, the powers of belief and manifestation are crucial to success.
“Whether you think you can or you think that you can’t, you’re right.”
– Henry Ford
“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
Find a few inspirational quotes that speak to you and print them out for your office wall, or put them somewhere you’ll see them. You’ll be surprised when that little spark of motivation shows up and starts to build. This is where you can give yourself some goals for the day.
Make a list and check things off
Fun fact: checking off list items (or highlighting them, if you are extra geeky like me) releases dopamine, which can fuel even more motivation, in my opinion. Here are some examples of what you can add to your list:
- Call 10 clients (or people in your network) and see how they are doing or if they have any questions about the market.
- Write 2-3 personal notes or emails with a market update on the latest stats.
- Drop off a small gift to a couple of your favourite clients or business associates.
- Send a mini-CMA to clients who have been in their homes for 2-5 years.
- Post a market update or support a local business on your business social media page.
- Touch base with any clients who have been on the fence.
- Complete something for your business that you’ve been putting off.
Get moving
Another way to start the motivation flow is to get moving. Literally, go for a walk. I get my best ideas when I’m on a walk or working out. If you’re trying to solve a problem or are unsure about something, think about it while walking.
Sometimes, I use my walking time to call clients or listen to a podcast or an audiobook. Currently, I’m listening to a great book by Chris Voss and Steve Shull, called The Full Fee Agent. It’s an easy listen, and Voss has great things to say about understanding human behaviour.
When you’re feeling down, as we all do sometimes, remember that YOU are your biggest resource as an entrepreneur. So, you need to get to the bottom of what you (and all of your uniqueness) need to stay at the top of your game. And once you get going, there’s no telling what AWESOMENESS you’re capable of.
Krystal Lee Moore is YOUR #HomeSweetHome 519 REALTOR®. She is a real estate broker with Royal Lepage Triland Realty in London, Ontario. She hosts a podcast and blog for real estate professionals called #RealtorLife (on Spotify) and loves being part of the Ontario real estate community.
Thank you Krystal – a very inspiring article.
Thank you so much!
Awesome article, Krystal. You are a motivating force in everything you do!
Thanks Lynn 🙂 You are awesome!
Good job Krystal! Thanks for the motivation:)
Thanks Amanda!