Editor’s note:
On June 5, 2024, at the SGM, BRREA’s membership installed a new board of directors. Learn more here.
On May 14, 2024, LSTAR shared the following statement from Kathy Amess, LSTAR 2024 chair:
“LSTAR thanks everyone who joined us for the May 13 Special Meeting. Nearly 700 members attended, with another 244 members voting via proxy. It was the largest attendance recorded at an LSTAR event, with 937 voting delegates, and it was a very productive and respectful meeting.
During a question-and-answer open forum, the delegation received responses to 40 questions that had been submitted by members, with additional questions and comments shared throughout the forum. With respect to the proposed motions, the board of directors was pleased by the overwhelming vote of confidence, with 83 per cent voicing their opposition to removing the board. In addition, the proposed motion requesting the resignation of LSTAR CEO Bill Madder never even made it to the floor, because no one came forward to make the motion.
The LSTAR Board of Directors has a clear path forward and we look forward to continued engagement with the membership, to deliver what our members need and expect from us, to lead LSTAR into the future.”
Special general meetings (SGMs) are being held in the near future by the London and St. Thomas Association of Realtors as well as the Brantford Regional Real Estate Association to discuss how decisions are being made in those organizations.
The LSTAR meeting is scheduled for today, May 13, while the BRREA meeting is on June 5.
“A Special Meeting of London and St. Thomas Association of Realtors (LSTAR) members has been called. LSTAR respects that this is a members’ only meeting, so details are reserved for the members of our association. We look forward to what we anticipate to be a well-attended, interactive meeting with our members,” says Kathy Amess, 2024 LSTAR chair, in a statement.
LSTAR meeting motions for consideration
In a document obtained by REM, the Notice of Meeting cites several motions to be considered, including that:
- All changes to MLS or LSTAR services/MLS or LSTAR providers/MLS systems be communicated to the membership and brokerages in an item-specific email and news alert outlining the benefits and disadvantages at least 30 days prior to any contracts signed, changes implemented or contracts terminated
- LSTAR revoke the notice of termination from the Information Technology Systems of Ontario (ITSO) (and) immediately take the required action to extend the service from ITSO to December 31, 2024
- The board strike a task force to review all the currently available MLS platforms in Ontario and the decision to move to the PropTx MLS System
- The board undertake a full governance review by a qualified independent third-party
- The board be immediately removed and an election of directors be held immediately with nominations of potential directors from the floor at this meeting
- Bill Madder CEO of LSTAR be requested to resign from his position with LSTAR
Last fall, LSTAR announced it was joining the PropTx MLS service along with other real estate boards, including the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board.
‘Ontario-wide MLS listing system is the way to go, but not by one board saying ‘our way or no way’’
Jim McCarvell, an associate broker with Re/Max Centre City Realty Inc. in London, has been a member of LSTAR since 1982. He says two main issues have raised concerns with fellow realtors.
“This is the second time, probably within 12 months, that the administration of LSTAR is trying to jam something down the throats of the members without any input and without any regard,” he explains. “The first one was an insurance program (the Ontario Realtor Wellness Program). Our board just says it’s going to cost you $500 a year and too bad, so sad. There was a big chunk of people that said, ‘My wife works as well and she’s got a good plan so we’re going to stay with that.’ They basically told you, ‘Who cares? It’s going to cost you if you like it or not.’”
The second issue McCarvell points out is about amalgamating with the Toronto system: “They had four people out of 1,500 test the system on a very time-limited basis and they got back all kinds of feedback. They already had one meeting and it was sort of forced on them.
The microphones were just lined up. People were clapping for the resistance. Booing. They brought in a lawyer. They brought in an official MC and this sort of stuff. They knew it was backfiring on them — that there were just too many people ready to stand up and say ‘enough is enough.’”
McCarvell says an Ontario-wide MLS listing system is the way to go, but “not by one board jamming it down everybody’s throat saying, ‘It’s our way or no way.’”
BRREA meeting called to remove and install new board of directors
Ryan Campbell, real estate broker with The Crew Real Estate at Real Broker Ontario Ltd., in Paris, Ontario, says the BRREA meeting was called to remove the current board of directors and install a new board due to the current board’s handling of its MLS provider agreement. A two-thirds vote of those members in attendance plus proxy votes is needed to remove the board.
“BRREA’s current contract with ITSO is expiring in August and rather than sign another contract, the current board decided that we should use PropTx, the current provider for TRREB. This would leave us without a data-sharing agreement with the boards that surround Brantford where our agents do a good deal of business as well, (like) Waterloo, Hamilton, Burlington and Simcoe,” he says.
Campbell explains that the surrounding boards decided to amalgamate into the Cornerstone Association of Realtors (CAR). “I hosted the presidents of these boards at my office for an information session for interested agents last month. They informed us that they have a data-sharing agreement with the ITSO boards but not with PropTx at this point.”
He says the primary issue for the agents that called for the SGM is data and the idea of needing a dual membership to access the boards surrounding them. “We are a one-member, one-vote board and the question was asked if the board needs the membership’s vote to change MLS providers. The answers given were unclear about whether this was required.” This is what led a group of members to call for the SGM and bring the issue to the membership.
“Since this issue has arisen, three members of the board have resigned and new members were appointed by current board members. A commitment was made to take another look at the PropTx agreement (it’s a 10-year commitment and some members were uneasy about the length) and a task force was to be formed regarding amalgamating with CAR.”
Response from BRREA
In an emailed statement, David DeDominicis, president of BRREA, says special meetings of the membership are available as an option to members who have an item they would like to see debated or an action they would like to see taken.
“In this instance, a minority of members have raised concerns with ongoing discussions between the board of BRREA and the board of PropTx. It is factual and well-known that the board is engaged in contract negotiations to transition to this platform; however, at this time, no contract has been signed with PropTx and BRREA continues to be in the process of negotiating the best deal for our members,” he says.
The statement goes on to say: “BRREA recognizes the MLS landscape in Ontario is changing and it is the board’s responsibility to ensure our members are best served by the platforms and services we use. After a lengthy review of the MLS platforms surrounding our regional jurisdiction, it was determined that PropTx, under the correct terms, is the best option for our members.
The volunteer board members of BRREA are informed in their evaluation not only by their expertise as local realtor members but also through the continuous conversations they have with the membership of our organization. The board’s highest priority is always finding the best value for our members and ensuring every decision made has the best interest in mind for the membership.”

Mario Toneguzzi is a contributing writer for REM. He has more than 40 years of experience as a daily newspaper writer, columnist, and editor. He worked for 35 years at the Calgary Herald, covering sports, crime, politics, health, faith, city and breaking news, and business. He now works on his own as a freelance writer for several national publications and consultant in communications and media relations/training. Mario was named in 2021 as one of the Top 10 Business Journalists in the World by PR News – the only Canadian to make the list.
BRREA President says a “small minority” ? SGM called? Not to worry BRREA PropTx will probably drop you when your membership plummets to that minority of a few.
BIG shoutout to the brave members of the London/St. Thomas and Brantford associations for fearlessly standing Up and Speaking out. We Support You! It’s crucial to remember the individuals who initially provided a platform for agents to do exactly this, and are now battling a multi-million dollar lawsuit for their courage. Stand in solidarity and Join us on facebook at Support Our OROMOO Admins. #Grannygate
Great article, keeps us all informed into what is happening behind the doors. It sounds like its ready to explode. It should be the same in Toronto because this is happening there and wont stop until we stand up.
Yes. Thanks REM
I wouldn’t have known how widespread the memberships were upset
Most Real Estate folks don’t know how upset memberships are because if you put your head above the parapet, Giovanni will respond with a multi-million dollar lawsuit! You are all Jane & John Doe! #silencedgrannies #grannygate
TRREB Members need to Stand Up and be Heard on Wednesday May 15 – 9:15 am at the Realtor Quest.
Hope to see thousands of members at the Sprint meeting.
So Jeff,
We see that a Q&A was allowed but after the first question related to a line item in TRREB’s accounts regarding “legal protection” costs of almost 1 million dollars and the ORWP resistence lawsuit, that was it! Q&A over! Legal counsel was ready with a prepared response which was misleading in the extreme. Something is rotten in the state of denmark! Hats off to the lady who called them out!
Something is definitely rotten in the real estate industry. Board members and those in appointed positions are making changes to platforms without input from members or transparency. These people are creating suspicion of impropriety and financial kickbacks for these long contractual services such as the ORWP program which was shoved down the throats of members.
And those who objected are sued for millions! For dissenting and trying to democratically organise to question! #silencedgrannies #grannygate
ORWP is the canary in the coalmine! Mandating rules is bad enough but when “mandates” are an excuse to put stranger’s hands in your pocket where does it stop? It’s not like a canary was required, history of decisions is a testament to that!
The power grabs continue in Ontario Real Estate! #silencedgrannies #grannygate
Giovanni! The Emperor Has No Clothes! #grannygate #silencedgrannies
Clarification on PropTx where article says “Last fall, LSTAR announced it was joining the PropTx MLS service along with other real estate boards, including the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board.” TRREB isn’t just “joining” PropTx… PropTx IS TRREB. PropTx is a for-profit company owned by TRREB, paid for WITH TRREB member money, ran by TRREB CEO and ex-board Presidents.
ORWP got agents uniting and asking questions far beyond a forced benefits program, wondering what is going on with our associations, who’s running them, who they work for, and where members funds are being spent. And the questions just keep piling up! The onion is unraveling. Good on you LSTAR and Brantford members.
I bet there’s some people starting to think they just should have dropped ORWP and listened to members when they had the chance. Now much more is likely to be exposed.
TRREB members – more important than ever to unite and get answers. Attend this weeks Spring AGM at RealtorQuest (May 15th 8:15am Toronto Congress Centre 650 Dixon Road)
Thank you for this informative article. It’s a good “heads up” to all boards of directors and their executive officers/senior management that there is a significant number of members who are not supportive of their decisions. It’s time for an overhaul of this organizational model as it’s clearly not working as evidenced by the issues over the course of the past year to date in Ontario
LSTAR continues with Proptx. The Board of Directors and CEO remain in place. Overwhelming majority to more forward with Proptx.
Well thats not the case. The contract was signed before we where ever even told they where looking at changing from ITSO. So there has been no overwhelming support, and we havent got the ability to reverse that. Its more of what do we do now situation. The contract is signed.
FACT. REM is not allowing this comment and we will ask why although all other anonymous comments that are attacking people and associations are allowed to continue.
LSTAR is continuing with Proptx. The Board of Directors and CEO remain in place.
LSTAR members vote overwhelmingly to continue with Proptx.
I can see your comment. In response, why do you think the other comments are anonymous? Have you read the Statement of Claim by TRREB? Don’t you see they are looking for a list of their own members who spoke out in opposition to ORWP? All of those 9,600 folks who spoke up are Jane & John Doe respectively, named in the multi million dollar lawsuit against two Grandmothers in the industry!
Nobody has any issue with decisions made democratically, TRREB refused to allow an independent survey of members on ORWP, half their members didn’t take the survey, and those who did and objected numbered more than those who supported ORWP, the other Boards who did conduct independent surveys overwhelmingly rejected ORWP but TRREB used its dominant position to push ORWP through, ultimately “mandating” members and non-members of TRREB equally to pay up for an inferior health insurance that they didn’t want!
The message from TRREB to members and non-members is clearly “Shut Up & Put Up” and if you don’t we will crush you!
So you will have to forgive folks for being afraid and posting anonymously!
The SGM request for the Brantford Regional Real Estate Association includes two motions, one is to remove all sitting directors. The first SGM for BRREA was held December 19, 2023 and the SGM to be held on June 5, 2024 is the second followup.
The primary issue includes increasing concerns of some members surrounding the board’s governance. A quick google search of ‘governance’ describes it with the following characteristics: participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective, efficient, integrity, equitable, inclusive and following the bylaws.
BRREA is a small Ontario board of less than 500 members. An SGM may be called with the required 1/10th of the members signing a duly executed request. On March 28, 2024 over 70 signatures were gathered in less than 4 hours and delivered to the BRREA office and directors. As members patiently wait over two months from the date the 2nd SGM request was delivered to be heard, it remains unknown if in fact it is a small minority who are concerned with the BRREA board governance issues.