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Maximize Your Real Estate Success with Openn

Navigating the Trust in Real Estate Services Act (TRESA) has proven a daunting process for agents and brokerages throughout Ontario, but a digital solution from has made compliance much less frightening. In addition to complying, the Openn Offers platform also gives agents powerful advantages for negotiating, selling in less time and generating leads.

On December 5, Openn hosted an informative webinar discussing TRESA and the regulations that came into effect on December 1. The webinar included a product demo of, highlighting features of the platform that were specifically added to simplify TRESA compliance. Also discussed were the integrations with and CREA Webforms. These create ease of use and empower agents to publish information about received offers directly to their listing page on, thereby attracting and engaging more attention and inquiries.

The webinar sheds light on what the medium and long-term implications of TRESA may be, and the unique opportunity available for agents and brokerages who proactively adapt and capitalize. With Openn Offers, you don’t just comply easily – you also become a better negotiator, sell listings faster, and generate qualified leads and referral business.

Click here to arrange a discussion about how Openn Offers ensures easy compliance with TRESA, while also powering growth for your business.

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