Following a decisive vote in favour of the Ontario Realtor Wellness Program (ORWP) on Tuesday, a mandatory insurance and benefits program for realtors in the province is set to be implemented on Jan. 1, 2024.
With nearly 80 per cent of votes from the province’s 34 member boards supporting the program, it will become a mandatory requirement for members.
Increased annual dues to fund the ORWP
To fund the ORWP, annual dues will increase for Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) members. The cost per individual is expected to be around $660 annually on top of regular fees. Based on the current membership of approximately 96,000, the ORWP would result in an additional $63.3 million in dues being collected.
The increased dues will go towards covering the costs of insurance premiums and administering the program, OREA says.
Tania Artenosi, president of OREA, expressed her enthusiasm for the program, highlighting its affordability and the peace of mind it can provide. “Offering a benefits program that can assist members during trying times has been a long-standing aspiration at OREA, and we are thrilled to have the support of our member boards to do something about it,” she said in a press release.
Artenosi previously said in a video addressing members that providing a “high-quality plan” at a low cost is only possible due to the collective purchasing power of members.
Varied opinions spark heated discussion
This controversial program has generated significant discussion among realtors, reflecting diverse opinions and concerns within the real estate community. Real Estate Magazine’s original article received nearly 100 comments in five days, marking it as one of the most commented-on articles in recent history.
Penny Dutkowski criticized the mandatory program, questioning the negotiation process and the potential lack of value for individual members. Dutkowski argues that a one-size-fits-all approach might not suit everyone’s needs and suggests exploring more flexible options.
Gene Kay expressed support for an optional program with more competitive rates and raised questions about the motivations behind the current proposal. Kay writes, “An easy solution would have been to provide a few options that agents or brokers can opt in to both for themselves, their families, or their administrative staff members. This brings value if it’s a choice.”
John W. Meehan highlighted potential issues related to age discrimination and the lack of transparency in the tendering process, “The time for an optional member health benefit/insurance program is, and remains long overdue,” Meehan says. “Having a mandatory program that penalizes individuals who receive diminishing benefits due to age and still have to pay the full fee appears very much like age discrimination.”
Benefits provided by ORWP
The program will include:
- Life insurance
- Critical illness insurance
- Out-of-country emergency medical travel insurance
- Accidental death and dismemberment insurance
There’s also a member and family assistance program that provides virtual mental health support, along with healthcare coverage, including prescription drugs capped at $750, paramedical services (chiropractor, massage, and several others) capped at $750, and medical supplies capped at $500.
No medical test or questionnaire will be required to determine eligibility to participate, though the concern is that for those 65 and over, some benefits will be reduced.
Stacey Evoy, co-chair of the Realtor Wellness Task Force, highlighted that for a cost of under two dollars per day, realtors in the province will gain the assurance of having a safety net.
“And with access to up to $100,000 in life insurance and up to $25,000 of critical illness insurance coverage, plus health benefits including 70 per cent reimbursement of prescription drugs — this plan accounts for a lot of life’s medical necessities and unexpected hardships.”
Realtors should NOT be mandated to pay for this, what happened to independent contractor status? OREA is out of line
This is a cash grab and an unnecessary expense for REALTORs. OREA is miserably trying to stay relevant after losing out on the mandatory education. Given the option, I would not pay for OREA dues either. Why not eliminate OREA completely?
I second that!!
TRESA is going to be the law in just 6 weeks and we have yet to see the standard forms we will need to use every day but the pro insurance campaign from OREA has been non stop. Non profit is different from revenue. I dont think th
Is about kick backs and thers is no evidence that but clearly jobs and stability will be the desired result for this association. As soon as they are an insurance middlenman OREA will live forever. If only the actual service we need like standard forms could be as important.
I agree 100%. I emailed OREA explaining it should be a matter of choice. I already have life ins. I haven’t had a prescription in over 40 years. I am also not eligible because I am over 65. So I am paying for something I cannot benefit from.
Me too, I don’t need this program. I am 67!
We should take legal action against OREA.
Join the Fecbook page Ontario Realtors opposing mandatory OREA ORWP. Legal representation has been secured already.
I like the idea of legal action. I am not benefiting from the program. Since when our freedom is abused?
Orea president, Tania, keep sending email to realtors persuading as she is insurance agent.
Do not spam and resign the president. Working for insurance company and orea employees. Not for realtors!
Well said. It does not apply to me either, because of my age. I completely opt out. I say no to this. I am wondering if it is legal for one insurance/benefit company to bully people to cancel their insurance with other insurance companies because of a mandated program. I have a long relationship with my Insurance provider with bundled benefits. They may have an opinion as well.
This is outrageous and not wanted by many thousands of realtors. Mandatory is not the way to go. Agents who are 65 and older lose a lot of the plan like half the life insurance and agents at 70
Lose the critical illness completely ands still pay the same. Plus at 65 prescriptions are covered by the government. Also a lot of people already hav their own plans in place so why would see need this. Just extra money for nothing. We are fighting this and we have formed a group in the last week all working toward one cause. To reserves this mandatory plan to optional for those who don’t want it. We have formed a group of like minded realtors and we have a petition that has already gathered well over 5000 signatures against this. And we won’t stop!
I agree…..I too have life insurance and benefits which covers my prescriptions and I am also over 65. It would be interesting to know which Boards voted for this.
Is this Insurance avaiable to part time agents
not just available- MANDATORY for each and every agent, whether you want it or not.
I agree! They’re obsolete.
Agreed. OREA has no real function any longer.
That’s what this is for. Reinventing orea and finding a reliable revenue stream.
OREA has no right to sanctimoniously make personal life decisions for me. This should be an option to the members, especially to those of us over 65 who would be subject to reduced benefits. The turnaround time from task force to board to special general assembly yesterday is of concern to me especially as there was only one recommendation and no others to consider with relevant information attached with optional scenarios and related premiums.
I’m over 65 and am thrilled with this program. I couldn’t afford $50,000 of life insurance due to my age, and travel medical insurance is tough to get and is expensive for seniors. Plus we have roo many realtors in the business – if this causes some part-timers to drop out, then that’s good for the industry. Well done OREA!
I agree with Wilf. Especially with the out of country insurance. Also $50,000 life insurance is a bonus for you’re kids or grandkids and their kids. Those younger may not have experienced some of the setbacks life can bring to them or their families.
That’s all well and good, but it shouldn’t forced on anyone. Make it an option for people who want it. I’m not a part-timer, but I do not want or need this coverage, and I resent being forced to pay for it.
It is of no benefit to me. I’m 65 and it’s totally unfair for others as well who already have benefits through their spouses. It’s just another way to get money out of us. I wasn’t asked to vote on it. Bring the vote to the Realtors
I love how the comment “they look forward to offering this…”
Someone should grab a dictionary because you’re not offering anything to anyone when you make it mandatory. Seriously?
Absolutely agree with this comment. This is someones business to add to the money grab, not to improve our licence or insurance. The abuse and must be reviewed as the breaking the law.
I agree with the statement this must not be included on mandatory basis. This is the abuse of the all possible rules and regulations. Even at the unionized workplaces this is the free choice of paying or not paying life insurance, the medical benefits. I have my benefits already from my previous employer and paying my fees annualy to hold it. I don’t need to push on myself an obligatory program which doesn’t suit my interest on needs.
The insurance of this type was always the personal choise of a person. I don’t want to have that company to get a free without client satisfactory and interest payment just because they are in good contact with Realtrors Ontario. This is against of any possible laws and regulations.
Is there any way to act on this before January 2024?
Writing on forums is not effective.
We all know it’s an abusive, anti-competitive measure.
I’m saddened by the tone of some of the comments here and celebrate the care most took with theirs.
Having been an Association volunteer for decades on most committees and task forces, I know how much work and research is done. So, kudos to OREA for doing the work and offering this to the members. “Offering” being the important word! Not, “MANDATORY” . MANDATORY boggles the mind…
There is a petition through that had some good traction a few days ago which has now slowed down. Please, logon to vote and share the link with your colleagues. I’d asked that the link be posted on our
Association login but was politely turned down!!!
Thank you! I am going to e-mail a link to the petition to ALL members of my board. I am furious, I can understand that there are realtors that can benefit from a program like this, if the need it. I already have superior coverage. If it were optional, that would be one thing – but I cannot afford have funds mandated out of my budget to pay for something that is of no value to me.
I am leaving Real Estate Jan 01, 2024. This “insurance” plan is pathetic. Up to 70% discount, max $750? That covers 3 months of my medication. My husband plan covers an entire year. $25,000k for dismemberment, when was the last time a Realtor lost a limb at work. Where is the mental health benefits? Where is dental, vision care? Does this plan work with other plans? I lose my career because I can’t say no to a pathetic inadequate plan that does not provide what my family requires. Yes it only $700+++ but hey its my money to spend where I want not at the cost of blackmailing the people who pay your wages. I demand to see the policy details and want to know why those approaching their senior years after years of supporting OREA are again getting screwed.
Darlene, I completely agree. It’s like a forced retirement plan. I have my own plan that does not diminish at 65 years old and end at 70. I’ll be 70 next year. I have a lot of real estate years still ahead of me. Having had this career (full time as a single mom) since 1982, I realized the importance of having some sort of emergency plan. I sourced out the best options for me and I’ve had it since. Now this new OREA plan is mandated and I will be required to pay if I want to continue working. So I will be forced to have 2 plans….one that I want and one that I have no use for. I understand the need for a plan. That’s why I bought myself one many years ago. I applaud all the work put into finding an affordable plan for realtors, but thumbs down to it being mandatory. It is not being “offered” to all of us. “Offered” implies the ability to say NO. This plan is Obligatory!
I agree 100%. OREA is out of line with the mandatory rule. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR!!!!!
Also discrimination against over 65 year old agents. Same premium but half the benefits. Same on you OREA.
1- It shouldn’t be mandatory.
2- it’s age discrimination. I’m almost 65. I will be paying the same for reduced benefits. Is that legal?
This plan is not wanted by most realtors and it should never have been made mandatory. It is not inclusive for everyone and is discriminated for senior and against the Human Rights of an individual. We are not employees of OREA – we are independent contractors and do not work for them. This plan takes away 50% of life insurance at the age of 65 and 100% of critical illness at the age of 70. Also takes away travel insurance at the age of 80 – and the fees do not change so senior will need to pay the same as everyone else for much less coverage. Not only that but at 65 the government now pays for prescriptions for seniors as well as many other things. We should not and will not be forced to pay for something we do not want. We will fight to get this reversed – they can have their plan and make it optional! I have been in the business over 35 years and have always taken care of myself with no plan and now if I don’t follow through and take this plan not only will I lose my membership with OREA but also with TRREB thereby taking away my ability to work with no MLS! Also many people already have plans with their spouse or plans they have been paying for themselves for years and they don’t want this plan either. Why I am being forced out of my job that I love doing as well – this plan is a disaster for very many realtors and we are fighting it – we will keep fighting it until we get the mandatory turned to Optional where they allow us to opt out.
I agree OREA is over reaching their boundaries and the Charter of Rights in this country.
The plan could work if they just Drop the word mandatory.
I so agree that’s its wrong. We have been independent contractors for years. We can get our own if we want it. I’m 65 and I pay the same and basically get nothing. Having no opt out means that the insurance company wins again!!! A lot of Realtors are covered by their spouses. For crying out load, even University students have opt outs if they are covered under their parents plans. How old are we?? I never got to vote along with many others. 38 years in this business and its come to this. You should be ashamed
Is there a way to fire or vote out the current OREA president?
TRESA is going to be the law in just 6 weeks and we have yet to see the standard forms we will need to use every day but the pro insurance campaign from OREA has been non stop. Non profit is different from revenue. I dont think th
Is about kick backs and thers is no evidence that but clearly jobs and stability will be the desired result for this association. As soon as they are an insurance middlenman OREA will live forever. If only the actual service we need like standard forms could be as important.
I am extremely upset with OREA’s mandatory ORWP program. I am new to the Real Estate business, I have spent thousands of dollars to complete the Humber R.E program, and pay all the fees required to trade in Real Estate in Ontario (RECO membership/insurance, TREBB, OREA, CREA, brokerage fees..) which are ongoing and quite significant and now with this mandatory insurance from OREA which is being forced on me and other realtors.
I am over sixty five and already have two insurances (mine and my wife’s) thus I don’t need any more insurance. Why should I be forced to pay for insurance that I am not going to use? I am seriously considering if I still want to continue in the business or be forced out.
This ORWP program is outrageous. Forced / Mandatory.
For almost $700 per year, this program has little to no value.
The individual program has NO Dental and NO vision, which makes it a useless plan
Complete Cash Grab
…we should not be mandated to pay insurance…atnd if being shoved down out throats we should be able to pay monthly like other plans…i dont need or want this plan…..we have OHIP here in Ontario and most medications are now so inexpensive…. So due to this plan I basically need to spend $1000 for massages and chiropractic to get the benefit of $660
…also interesting how the annual insurance increased from $400 to $500 this summer (not like $29 or $42…nice round numbers. Very interesting
…this is an organization that just funds and perpetuates its self
OREA is being self-serving – creating a new Mandate for themselves.
Spending somebody else’s money – when no one asked them to do so
WHY NOW? why NOT suggest this 10-15 years ago?
True /It should be optional Only.
Besides the FACT that this “plan” discriminates based on age, no body, including OREA, should have the right to make this or any other program mandatory as we as Realtors are NOT employees but rather independent contractors and should we CHOOSE to opt in it should forever remain OUR choice.
You are absolutely right and we should challenge this in court as we are not employees of OREA. We have to make a lawsuit against this type of behavior.
Medical insurance should never be mandatory. So many realtors have insurance through their spouse or through their own employer. Make it a choice and I will support it.
Ageism at its worst definitely should be optional. Certainly should be so for those getting less benefits.
This is unbelievable. Mandatory is just not acceptable. In my opinion Real Estate is being taken over by government. I myself have seriously considered retiring early, just to avoid all this mandatory crap. I will not need benefits so why must I be made to take them so some other person with children and both siblings work in this field get to have them. This money laundering for insurance companies
This is outrageous. I am already in sick leave because I can’t afford all of these fees. They still are asking me for dues when I am off and no income! Enough is enough. I am struggling just to keep a roof over my head.
Brokerage fees are ridiculous and they too want money even though I am not using their brand at the moment.
This is not for helping the Realtors in any way shape or form.
I will retire before I pay this!
OREA has over stepped on this issue. They have no business putting their hands in my wallet. I am over insured as it is. I don’t need insurance to do my job well. I have managed both my real estate business and my family’s health for over 42 years without OREA. Does the public realize that if we don’t ‘comply’ and pay, that they are basically pulling our license in Ontario? One should not be contingent on the other.
You are absolutely right, RE is being taken over by government . Just look at what our BC gov is doing to destroy real estate in BC. Only difference seems to be that OREA is the culprit there but here it is the government
They are spending , as you say, someone else’s money based on a vote by member associaitions who OK’d the plan by almost 80% in favour! They didn’t ram it down our throats. They did their research, came up with a plan that in my mind, is very affordable, and then brought their findings to their members to vote on. Again, at an almost 80% in favour.
lol. When were you asked if you agreed to this mandatory plan ? This is age discrimination at it’s best and far better plans are out there in the market. Maybe check where these votes were coming from. This was just a shell game.
This was not an individual vote where each agent could vote for against it. This was done at board level and since TREB has 49% of voting power. This would have passed with just them voting yes and 1 more small board voting yes. This is a communist approach to doing things.
Given the comments in here and elsewhere, I’d like tosee the results of the survey.
I’m well leaning toward it being lip service.
I strongly question these results. Why not have an OPEN vote of all members, I highly suspect that this 78% approval number would change drastically, that’s why.
80% for 34 people this should have been a member wide vote
I wasn’t asked for a vote
Voted on at the board level. Our board had an almost even split between for and against (51%\48%). This should have been voted at the individual level across OREA. If other boards had nearly even splits and coupled with the 20% of the boards not in favour, it may not as popular as you think. That 80% in favour wouldn’t be as high and there would be a more accurate reflection of what members want.
They did and it was defeated by……VOTING
It absolutely should not be mandatory.
You are absolutely right and we should challenge this in court as we are not employees of OREA. We have to make a lawsuit against
What if a Realtor is already receiving coverage under a spouse Insurance plan that provide full coverage. Why must one pay again ?
You mean to tell me.. your annual fees were only 94$ (approx). Based on the title of a 700% increase.
110 $ which is about 100 $ too much for the value provided by OREA. This organization is obsolete, especially in light of OREA non handling the education for new members anymore. You don’t seem to live in Ontario so you may not know that we have 2 provincial associations. RECO fees are much higher. In addition we all have CREA (not sure about their value) and of course local board fees.
You should try and do some research before you post any comments.
OREA is instrumental to the real estate industry in Ontario. They provide leadership courses(free) Standard Forms. (Where do you think your forms come from when you write up an offer or a listing agreement? They were instrumental in making sales reps an essential service during the pandemic allowing sales reps to continue working. And it was a booming market in case you have forgotten. And who do you think lobbied the provincial government to update the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act. And this is just a small list of the value of OREA. RECO, is the Real Estate Council of Ontario. We do not pay fees to RECO we pay a registration for our licence to trade in real estate in Ontario. And RECO collects our errors and omissions insurance fee as we have to carry business insurance. RECO enforces the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act. I hope this helps you to better understand the profession you are in.
You seem to be working for them.
100%. OREA does so much for Realtors and the industry! The ORWP is one more step towards increased professionalism and support for all Realtors!
For some clarification: we do not have two provincial associations. We have one provincial association (OREA) and one regulator (RECO). For the $110 we pay as OREA members, we could not recreate the forms and clauses resources alone. It is a great value! CREA provides us with, which is probably your most valuable tool as a Realtor, just as your USA colleagues about the benefit of one central site. CREA charges $310 per member per year.
that’s why I said that they are worth 10 $ – not $ 110. For about a million a year it should not be too difficult to provide forms. I am talking “value for money”. Aren’t they sitting on something like 90 million $ ? That can buy us a lot of forms.
And yes, I am angry getting this shoved down my throat (like the majority of people responding). I actually don’t believe that they can force this on independent contractors. What will they force us to do next ? While I was an employee in my “previous life” my employer could change my conditions of employment (i.e sick days, age of car I am driving etc) but I am not employed any longer. Neither are the almost 100,000 other Ontario agents. Have a nice day
Weak up A.S.
RECO does NOT provide ANYTHING. is paid by realtors. Our tool is the “MLS”. Realtors pay for so the “public can use it for free”. I think Canada is the only country with that service (we are sooo smart)
The same happens with CREA. It’s useless because they do NOTHING for us. Any statistic they provide is useless because “average” in real estate are useless. If you work in Vancouver, who cares what happens in Toronto ? There is NOTHING more local than Real Estate.
And if you want to know about other useless thing, look at FINTRAC. $70 millions per year (for almost 2 decades) and they never got a “bad guy”.
I was all for insurance coverage until I realized there would probably be age discrimination based on age. I am also covered through my spouse’s medical, dental and travel plan(not based on accident), but covers illness. I filled out positive response to you past surveys for the benefit of the young people and families who have no coverage. I didn’t when I most needed it. I have been licensed in Ontario since 1987. At my age almost all drugs are covered by OHIP. Life Insurance is too late. I should be able to opt out or pay a much reduced premium if I chose to participate. Definitely should be optional with various choice of coverage. There are many much better group insurance plans. For me, it’s too little, too late!!
$110 x 95000 is very expensive forms to my view. Check their salaries. Do we make this amount at current market?
Yes. $110/year.
I personally think this plan should have have been optional. Great to see members have supplemental health coverage, but why penalize those who have no need or benefit from this ruling. 🤔
Kudos to the people at OREA who somehow managed to ram this down the throats of thousands of realtors. When it lost the educational component, OREA stumbled upon mandatory insurance as the way to give it both money and a justification for being.
No need for mandatory Insurance Please stop.
For the seniors who have deminishing benefit from other Plans is not a good idea as such there should be choice to opt out/in.
Shouldnot be mandatory only Optional.
you are right. But not only the seniors. Many agents have benefits either through their spouses or have purchased their own private health care. Few if any would give up their private health insurance since most if not all have far better coverage. Mine has 1 million for drugs. 80 % of dental (no dental in this plan) Longer travel time an not getting diminished by age. This plan is obviously only good as long one is an OREA member.
Absolutely Sabine. I completely agree. Our Brokerage just recently put in place a group benefit plan that far exceeds the poor coverage this plan offers. We in no way should be forced into this, this should be optional for those that need some insurance/benefit coverage. Absolutely, something not right here!! Disappointed!
REM please get all the facts before printing a story. Obviously all info came from OREA only.
Life insurance is reduced by 50% at age 65.
Critical illness $25,000, reducing 50% at age 65 and terminates at age 70.
Healthcare is a co-pay 70%:30%
We the members have not even seen the fine print contract as OREA isn’t ready to distribute it for another month or more. Yet a few members of the OREA task force ( which by the way, the members didn’t get a chance to volunteer for) but seems to be hand picked, were able to research, tender and pick the Insurer within 4 months! And sign a contract!
This is a mandatory program to which we, as members of OREA had no individual vote on.
OREA makes it sound like 80% of members voted in favour. No ,no. The vote was submitted by each individual board and it was not done by vote, but Boards surveys of which over 60% or more didn’t respond to.
The yes vote tally came in as high as it did because the larger boards such as TREBB have a majority of votes, not a 1 Board 1 vote.
OREA is raising dues and not calling it a premium to try and make it legal.
If members don’t pay they will LOSE THE RIGHT TO PRACTICE real estate, and MAKE A LIVING under this mandatory policy, which has nothing whatsoever to do with a real estate practice! Our licenses will be terminated!!
OREA needs to keep their noses out of what they think I need for my personal existence and focus on what they can do to help me in my business existence.
OREA is run by a bunch of donkeys. If anyone wants to start a class action lawsuit, let me know, I’ll join.
Sounds like a great idea or at least go to the actual media and expose OREA’s dictatorship to the public which have no idea as anything in print is just through OREA or other channels that the public can’t see or read.
Sure you will. Is this why you chose to hide your name, or is B your name.
lol. B is hiding his/her name but you are FS. That’s just to funny
This is disgusting – we should not be forced to pay this. What a sales job was done by OREA wonder who is in who’s pocket,
Absolute rubbish. Maybe next they can mandate Cadillac’s for everyone. Those that don’t want one or need one or already have one can subsidize those that would like one but prefer that others pay for it.
Decommission orea – useless now anyway!
Don’t need it.
I have all of us coverage underneath the benefits of My Husband.
I want an option where I don’t have to pay for it at all.
That is all
It is time to get rid of OREA. once again they prove how useless they are.
Absolute joke!! How can they FORCE us to get an insurance that is not in anyway connected to the real estate industry. Since my wife and I are both agents this is a double kick in the ass. How in any way is this legal???
It’s disgusting that Orea forcing this to all. It should be optional. Who were those decided to make it mandatory? Definitely it’s more money in it for them and they are filling their own pocket . Stop this plan.
This should be set up and priced as optional for members. Many would gain very few benefits due to their age but have to opt in to retain their license.
This could weed out many agents who have been involved in the business for years.
Which will increase the price of the plan, due to there being fewer members enrolled.
I COMPLETELY agree with all the comments of my colleagues above. IF the younger agents would like to have these benefits that’s fine with me. Being with OREA for 43 years with none of these benefits I ABSOLUTELY OPPOSE this program. At my age (and many of my experienced colleagues) it will NOT benefit me but cost me $$$ to subsidize the young, newer sales reps.
We ABSOLUTELY should have been heard when we opposed this. I have no problem with the program IF IT IS MADE OPTIONAL. In order to avoid this extra expense with NO BENEFIT to me this means I need to RELUCTANTLY retire from a job I have loved for 43 years!!!!
Considering the wellness group hasn’t taken in the fact that NOT EVERYONE WANTS THIS or NEEDS THIS, and you don’t have a mandate to force it, considering next moves could be court, consider that. Always remember most every REALTOR is an Independent Contractor not a union employee.
It seems unfair if it is mandatory. Everyone’s requirement is different. They can’t force everyone to buy, let’s keep it optional. Why they keep mandatory and draining money from all? If they are confident of 80% are buying, why should they worry for 20%? If anyone see value in that one. they may go for it.
Mandatory? Absolutely ridiculous. Many of us already have insurance personalized to our needs and those of us over 65 have no need for prescription coverage.
I don’t agree with any of this. What happens if we don’t pay?
I’m 70 and already covered under my wife’s old job insurance. I’ve been selling real estate full time for over 36 years. The first thing that pops into my mind is that this is a back door way of increasing costs of membership to drive down the number of realtors leaving a bigger piece of the pie for those remaining. I’ve seen it before with continuing education and other fee hikes over the decades. A rushed vote of something I was informed about one week ago by my broker is clearly underhanded. A mandatory vote of all OREA members should be a prerequisite prior to raising the dues by this amount. Don’t you think so?
Good initiative .
It will definitely benefit for those who don’t have any insurances .
If you don’t have your insurance, it’s your own fault. Don’t try to get insurance by stealing money from my family. $660 for very bad coverage is a travesty. Them mandating it, it’s worse.
As OREA members, we should “Just Say No”!
Flex our numbers!
Voices should be by population and not at the Board level.
It seems that all boards have one voice regardless of size.
Bring it to the members for a vote!
I’m interested to know if anyone within arm’s length of OREA and/or the Task Force are profiting from the premiums that the provider will be earning. Which will be significant. Was the package tendered out?
Agreed… or an extended arm’s length? Huge commission for some group insurance rep.
I find this outrageous, making insurance mandatory that I do not require as I have my own insurance. OREA should not be involved in any of my medical insurance unless I have asked them to do so. There is also an age discrimination if this is a forced insurance on all membership. Insurance company will enjoy the benefits as many seniors do not pay for prescriptions. I suggest that OREA does not have the right to force this insurance payment on us. Allow those who wish too, opt in if they wish to do so. I do not want this and will opt out.
Seniors already have several benefits outlined in your plan and some not..e.g drugs.several more. These addidtional costs will remove some seniors from the roster
. Tjis plan should be an optional not a mandatory one.
Pls advise.
Ya and the rest of us are paying taxes to fund your old age benefits. Someone always pays somewhere.
Do you think we haven’t been paying all these years for our old age pension?
You should educate yourself. We’ve been paying all our lives for Old Age Security. They changed the name recently to add ‘Benefits’ so they can fool people like you to think it’s a benefit. It’s not, it’s our own money that we could have invested in a much better way than the government. We’ll be lucky to see much of our own money back when we retire.
just to clarify. We do not pay into the OAS. You may be conflating CPP with OAS but the OAS benefit is not financed by individuals
This plan in no way should be Mandatory. If anyone want sep insurance they would of, could of and can buy on their own. My health my business. No to mandatory.
I believe that anyone over the age of 65 years should be able to opt out of the plan considering that they will be getting demised benefits and they would not get nearly the same value from the plan as agents under the age of 65. Over the age of 65 should be able to opt out!
It’s disgusting that Orea forcing this to all. It should be optional. Who were those decided to make it mandatory? Definitely it’s more money in it for them and they are filling their own pocket . Stop this plan.
in agreement with all the above comments.
The vote passes with 79% but 49% of that was Trebb alone.
Orea is trying to make themselves relevant. This decision does not represent the majority of agents. Full disclosure is needed. How did Trebb vote did they use 100% if their votes to say yes? When not 100% of their agents support this?
This was not put to any vote, this was put to a survey. Even if the survey showed that majority of agents said no, the committee at that board treats it as recommendation and can easily vote the other way. 36 boards have total of 177 votes, and each vote is based on number of agents in that board. 49% of votes are within TREB. I think transparency is needed and we should take a look at the board members bank accounts every month. $63-70Million in revenue annualy for some insurance company is enormous boost to their portfolio
Sick and tired of these organizations trying to stay relevant so make it mandatory Give agents options to opt in and if cost more so be IT. It is all TRREB and their partner boards No one cares what members want. They should have been working on trying to create one MLS system for all of Ontario and OREA has over 80 Million sitting their bank accounts
How does mandatory insurance provide one more step to proffesionalism. ? Ummm so do l tell my clients because my real estate organization mandates health insurance, l will provide more professional service but your commission has to be increased to provide this extra professional service to you!!
Which really doesn’t provide an to you at all! Really???r
OREA is manned by a politician and a very partisan one at that. He only knows politics.
OREA’s like CREA’s board is elected by board representatives. Individual members have no say protesting against ORE is futile as we have seen with CREA.
OREA’s goal since losing RECO’s education is to stay relevant.
A mandatory heath insurance policy ensure OREA stays relevant since ths makes it increasingldifficult for any board to now withdraw from OREA.
Based on the numbers opposed to this, something has to be done and we need to be heard, not railroaded. Too many of us have health insurance outside of this ramrod decision. When it comes to making a claim the form will ask if we have insurance outside of this plan. Which company is paying for the claim. Why would anyone over 65 be agreeable to pay the same amount for less benefits? OHIP already provides most of the prescriptions over 65 years of age.
What is the purpose of OREA?
OREA works to reduce barriers to home ownership and improve equitable access to housing in Ontario. Through advocacy efforts and meeting with provincial leaders, OREA lobbies for REALTOR® issues that affect Ontario.
They are not in the Health Insurance Business. Stick to what we pay dues for!!!
These agents:
on TREBB made a decision for over 68,000 members.
What democracy are we living in? Our collective voices need to be heard when we say NO! NO! NO!
Wow. For those that find it hard to pay $660 year for something that does benefit ALL, yes all, considering the money we earn doing this job, maybe it is time you rethink your career. I have insurance through other means and this will just compliment it. I cannot believe some of the comments.
This is not about $ 660. It’s about the principle. They have no legal leg to stand on pushing this. The plan is also terrible and pretty useless to anyone reaching the age of 65.
Jennifer A, you don’t get to decide what benefits others or whether they find it hard to pay for something they neither want or need or care to subsidize for others. Also childish to suggest that people who disagree with you should get a new career. I prefer to decide what, where and how I spend my money, not have you or Orea decide for me.
Here, here Jennifer.
Maybe this will help in deterring some of the riffraff coming into the business and get rid of ones that should not be in it.
Orea should have implemented this many years ago.
Why have we been without coverage for so long?
This is a good thing.
Agreed that a one size fit all may not be the way to go. But, it’s long due that members should have some type of health and medical coverage.
We pay for OREA employees (our employees – yes our dues support their jobs), to have coverage, yet all these years we have nothing and pay out of pocket for medication, dental, eye care….
We should also have some type of retirement plan that we can collect from once we retire.
FS, perhaps you have just given the competition bureau the basis for a successful complaint. The plan is not to benefit, rather to limit entry to the profession. Excellent observation.
I agree. I understand people are upset, but it’s not $3,000 or something. Either way, I wouldn’t be this upset personally. Whether I have benefits or not and I will have benefits through my spouse also.
It’s also only forcing a single persons coverage, not a spouse and/or kids.
Dental etc was too much of a premium they felt I read to ask for that so those things are optional.
This is not OREA’s mandate.
And not everyone who’s a member is making money
Maybe they should think about equal opportunity in this industry for all members so you don’t have to have another backup job.
I wouldn’t be able to sustain these fees and a decent, living wage.
I thought it for what it is a freelance opportunity. No need to burden it with mandatory fees.
In your case if you already have medical insurance you’ll be paying for nothing as in real life they won’t co-pay and you’ll have a ton of headache that’s not worth the money.
Travel insurance is unnecessary as you have so many other options even the old $110 fee should’ve been optional for the simple reason OREA is an association.
Increasing fees irrespective of services by more than the inflation rate should have gone to a member’s vote.
Maybe this is a wake up call to how little say members have.
Because the fact of the matter is that it’s not about the money, it’s not about the insurance at all. It’s about having no input, no say in the decision. It’s about being at their mercy for any other initiative they choose to mandate us to partake in. It’s about being forced to make a decision to accept whatever they tell us to accept OR lose our ability to effectively trade. What will it be next? I have to have my teeth straightened? Lower my commission? Be capped out at their designated numbers? Drive an electric car? THIS ISN’T ABOUT A $660 INSURANCE POLICY!!! It’s about being SELF-EMPLOYED yet having our autonomy slowly stripped away. If we allow this it is the first step in becoming subjects to OREA. They’ve repeatedly referred to this as “industry – leading” meaning that they are setting a precedent for EVERY realtor to be subjected to demands at the whim of their associations. This whole plan reeks of “tis easier to ask for forgiveness than permission”.
As an independent contractor, I object to be forced to pay for something I did not agree to buy.
A class action lawsuit is needed here.
Someone younger than I ( 82 and 38 years in business) should start it and I will join.
This is an outrageous move by OREA. They are not relevant any more.
Agreed! Class Action law suit is in order.
The Ontario Realtor Wellness Program (ORWP) deserves strong support due to the numerous benefits it provides to professional Realtors. Firstly, it serves as a vital safety net, offering assistance and support to Realtors during challenging times, ensuring their well-being and professional stability. Additionally, the program emphasizes the importance of comprehensive healthcare, including mental health support and paramedical services, recognizing the crucial role of overall wellness in maintaining a successful real estate career. Moreover, the ORWP offers a significantly discounted rate for insurance coverage based on the collective membership numbers, making it more accessible and affordable for Realtors to protect themselves and their businesses. The overwhelming 80% support from the leadership of local boards and associations, who were elected by members to represent them, further highlights the program’s credibility and effectiveness. These leaders have dedicated time to conduct research, gather member feedback, and make informed decisions on behalf of the Realtor community. In summary, the ORWP is a valuable initiative that prioritizes the well-being of Realtors and is backed by knowledgeable and dedicated leaders who have thoroughly examined its merits. Being in these leadership positions is demanding and these people are so dedicated to serving the industry AND they are volunteers! Think of how these people feel seeing these uneducated, negative comments after hundreds of hours of hard work and when 80% of the province was in support. I congratulate OREA and member boards on this life changing success.
With all due respect, posting with your initials does not give you the right to insult and belittle your fellow agents. Many agents have done the research, looked at comparable options, and are perfectly aware of how useless and ineffective the ORWP is. This plan should never be MADATORY. It might benefit few, and those few have a right to buy into it. Many people have plans with other providers, including private plans or spousal plans, and they do not need to be forced into another mandatory anything. There should be an option to opt-out of this plan and still be able to practice real estate.
OREA has no business forcing a non real estate related plan onto its members. It does not matter how many hours someone spent on a plan that is not benefiting its members and that no one wants. Yes, many boards voted for the plan, however, very few boards asked for member input. Some run a survey with no direct questions. The board with the most votes did not ask the big question, and did not even release results of the survey, so for all we know it was all made up to serve someone’s ambitious agenda.
love your response. The fake and unidentified “agents’ think they are smarter than the rest. Have something to say ? Stand behind your comments and don’t hide
Well practiced real estate agent speech to defend against objections.
But we’re not all gullible. Let me parse it for you.
80% support is an obnoxious defense since that 80% is predictated on the number of individual agents represented by whatever board they’re in. TRREB was one board out of what is it 37 boards? That’s 2.7% but they account for 49% because it holds the most individual members. So it is not entirely misleading to say 80% since 80% of the membership did not support this initiative based on commenst here and elsewhere.
Feel free to provide the survey results to prove otherwise.
Next you make it seem like it is the only option available to serve “as a vital safety net, offering assistance and support to Realtors during challenging times, ensuring their well-being and professional stability.”
This is just more sales spin since it is a ridiculously base plan that offers no such safety net from someunstated thing that only you know.
During challenging times and ensuring professional stability, indeed. What challenges are Realtors faced with now that everyone else isn’t faced and what does a base 25% deductible medical plan that OREA acknowledges is inferior to the co-pay that in all likelyhood bears the brunt of the cost. Base medicalexpenses are hardly going tooffer anyone professional stability since professional incapsulate the economic ability and stability is the sustaining reliefthat economic means brings.
As a membership we elect persons to represent us and to govern our organizations. In doing so we do cede to them full control in the hopes that the decisions they will make are cogent, prudent and membership driven. That doesn’t mean that we have had sufficient information to make a truly informed decision on whom we vote for because all we have are their promises and a scant resume about their time in the business where it more likely than not that we have no clue how good or bad they really are in leadership except that the same names come up time and time again making it either a familiarity or popularity (brokerage) vote.
We sure do have to live with the decisions they deem are best for us, but it doesn’t mean they are actually good decisions.
The boards, OREA and CREA all depend on membership fees to stay a going concern, I rather doubt among these decisions was the fact that should even 10% of the membership be driven away by this, either to non-board brokerages or out of the business, the cost for them to carry on the businesses and this base $60 million dollar insurance company boondoogle is going to have a significant impact on the remaining 90%.
One last thing, prior to becoming a Realtor I spent 2+ decades working in the financial management side of insurance. The last company I was with held coverage for all of TREB’s members – it was one of the most profitable boondoggle accounts on the company’s books. The brokerage loved it too 18% commission for making a good first year sales pitch.
And to make sure this plan stays a fat boondoogle, that $660 will not only balloon starting in year 2 with skewed statistics about coverages costs, it will also go into orbit with a 10% membership loss,.
Folks, pay real serious attention to the PED remarks. Profit, you bet. And going to whom? I also managed an association group plan that was optional to the association members. It is doable. And if TRREB wanted a plan, they have sufficient number of members to seek it on their own, no need to make it mandatory for the balance of the province, simply invite other associations to join in….making it mandatory association by association or alternatively get rid of all local associations and have OREA as a one member, one vote organization.
Pay attention. PED is wise and informed.
OMG A.S do you work for OREA?
It’s extremely insulting and illegal to FORCE ppl into this. And what do you think will happen to the fees every year?
My husband and I have our own CHOSEN health plan specifically for our needs!
I keep hearing about how we should just swallow ORWP because the task force worked so hard and vetted the companies and now they feel back because people are mad. OREA SHOULD provide benefit options for those who want it. OREA SHOULD NOT make benefits mandatory for all members. Perhaps if they were transparent with their intention to make this mandatory, they would have had higher engagement. Perhaps if the task force was acting on good faith, they would have seen the tiny percentage of agents who responded to their very slanted survey, and sought further clarification from their members. Now OREA is telling people to go back to their district board and the district board is saying that this is an OREA issue. I’m not going to swallow this just because the volunteer member’s feeling are hurt by the backlash over a terrible decision.
Here are the facts as I see them.
OREA had said “our number one goal at area is ensuring we have our members’ backs and our surveys have shown time and time again that a benefits program is a top desire”. Not a single person can produce a single survey that asks for realtor input on a benefits program. So I call baloney on “time and time again”.
The survey was sent to the membership AFTER a broker was contracted, lending credence to the notion that this was a deal done entirely behind closed doors and with NO member input. That is not “ensuring we have our members’ backs.
You are throwing your voting results around like they are a fair representation of our membership so let me put things in perspective for anybody outside looking in.
Just some easy math. Let’s use 96000 members since that’s what OREA has used in their communications.
2% of membership responded to poll/survey sent out by orea AFTER they signed a contract with their insurance broker.
= 1920 members
Even though the survey DIDN’T ASK, let’s say all 100% of these 1920 people say “yes we want mandatory benefits added to our dues. Rah rah rah!!” (we all know the likelihood of this being the case is statistically unlikely, but let’s just go with it).
A petition I started AGAINST the mandatory plan has garnered over 5200 signatures. Let’s say 25% of those signatures aren’t Realtors or are fake names or duplicates.
= 3900 members.
If you add the number of respondents to both poll/survey and petition together you get
= 5820 participants
Having skewed the numbers hugely in favour of OREA in this little experiment, you end up with:
33% in favour of the benefits
67% against
Which means that when you compare these results with the results of the actual vote on June 20th, there is something REALLY WRONG with the voting process that OREA used. It is more than obvious that the vote is NOT a fair representation of the members sentiment once they have ALL THE FACTS. Something that OREA had failed to provide prior to a survey or prior to signing a contract with an insurance provider.
ANY vote by the Assembly should be one based on the membership being fully informed. ANY vote by the Assembly should be one that the members have had the opportunity to speak to. ANY vote by the Assembly should be done with complete transparency. We are still without a copy of this insurance policy; what’s the big secret? We are still without a full list of which boards voted this disaster of a mandate in. The vast majority of the membership doesn’t even know about this program, much less that its a mandatory program that OREA itself will be administering.
So tout the goodness of the program all you want, but acknowledge how out of line and inappropriate OREA has been for being so presumptive as to think they can mandate us, as independent contractors, to an insurance policy just so they can remain relevant.
I am not one but afraid to attach my name to my comment, yet you are. That speaks to where this situation stands, doesn’t it. Only one of us is hiding.
I am not in favour of a mandatory program. Is it even legal to discriminate based on age if every one is paying the same rates?
I am thinking of retiring as there is too much control and regulation being rammed down our throats.
It is extremely disheartening to hear that this ridiculous plan was accepted. This is blatant age discrimination. This plan should be optional for all, especially seniors. I do not understand why all realtors did not have a vote on this issue. this entire process was conducted behind closed doors. It was a fait accompli right from the beginning.
Not interested in the least in this program…to the point of questioning exactly who responded favourably..and of course ‘why?’
Curious what incentive OREA is receiving from ORWP in order to force all of us into this plan. And why wasn’t voting opened up to everyone that is expected to pay into this.
Time to file a motion to competition beauru for age discrimination and unfair practice of business
This plan is Not acceptable!
We the individual membership of OREA had no chance to vote & DID NOT VOTE on this matter. It was the reps from the various boards who voted. However, a decision of this magnitude should have been put to the membership as a whole.
I have not heard of any boards giving their membership an opportunity to vote on this matter prior to the OREA boards meeting. TRREB with its huge membership did NOT allow individual members an opportunity to vote.
This is just wrong to implement this way!
Unfortunately, age discrimination doesn’t apply and a non factor when relating to anything insurance related, either pertaining to coverage or premiums. However, the fees received from those who get little to no benefit from the plan will help to subsidize the cost for all those who would be eligible for full coverage.
With all the comments being made about possible time to retire…maybe this ridiculous mandatory plan is part of OREA & the Boards goal to push out those who have been in the business for many years. They don’t like hearing from experienced knowledgeable professionals!
Wow, what a misleading article. Your title reads… “OREA membership fees expected to surge over 700% after ORWP approval.”
How can a 700% increase be caused by a $660 insurance plan? That’s just click bait to mislead people. I am not impressed with this article or with all of the negative coverage it has.
Yes, I do support this plan. Too many people assume that just because they can get coverage through a spouse etc. that everyone else can. This is a professional industry and should cover its own.
Hi Mark,
We appreciate your feedback, although we respectfully disagree with your assessment that the article’s title is misleading. Allow us to explain why.
The headline “OREA membership fees expected to surge over 700% after ORWP approval” accurately reflects the content of the article. While it is true that the increase in fees is primarily due to the implementation of the ORWP, it is important to consider the context.
The article clearly outlines that the estimated $660 increase in annual dues for OREA members is directly related to funding the ORWP. This figure represents a significant cost for individual members, resulting in an approximate 700% surge in their overall membership fees. We understand that this increase may have caught your attention, and our intention was to provide readers with an accurate representation of the impact of the program.
We strive to present a balanced view of topics, and in this case, we aimed to address the varied opinions and concerns expressed by those within the real estate community. We recognize that the ORWP has generated significant discussion, and it is important to acknowledge both sides of the debate. As a news outlet, it is crucial to consider different perspectives, and we value the diversity of opinions shared by our readers.
We apologize if the article did not meet your expectations or if you found the coverage to be negative. Our goal is to provide informative and thought-provoking content to our readership, and we take all feedback into account to continuously improve our platform.
Thank you again for your comment, and we encourage you to share any further thoughts or questions you may have. We appreciate your support and engagement.
80% of approval ?? !!! Ha Ha !! Approved by who. NOBODY asked me anything and it seems I’m not the only one ignored. This is total craziness
Like most politicians, OREA is good for NOTHING
I have for years discussed with other agents why we don’t have some type of health and retirement package.
In 25 years not one has voiced disfavor in some type of plan.
I guess I have never met any of the ones airing here. A minute few.
I don’t have no knowledge in how OREA came up with their numbers, and agree that there should be more clarity. However….
I believe OREA should have implemented some type of heath plan many years ago.
Why have we been without coverage for so long?
This is a good thing.
I also agree that a one size fit all may not be the way to go. But, it’s long due that members should have some type of health and drug coverage.
We pay for OREA employees (our employees – yes our dues support their jobs), to have coverage, yet all these years we have nothing and pay out of pocket for medication, dental, eye care….
Why do we not have some type of retirement plan that we can collect from once we retire. Teachers, police, fire and others do!
Oh! Wait! Some of you are teachers, police officers, fireman/women. You’re covered! Nice!
Benefit packages should always be mandatory ! Even in the corporate world benefits are mandatory!
FS, you have the ability to get coverage WITHOUT requiring all your fellow members to do so. And it can be affordable. Unlike teachers, police, other government or even large employer groups, whose affiliation to their employer is a direct relationship with negotiated benefits, REALTORS® are not a homogenous group…we are independent contractors. We pay this fee, not our employer …right we have an employer as in name in the Act, but that is not the same thing as being employed. Members should have some type of plan that is available to them, agreed. Not a mandatory plan they cannot avoid if they wish to earn income.
In my earlier comment, I neglected to publicly thank those local boards and their delegates who did not support the plan as presented. My understanding is that in order to respect their fiduciary duty to their members they could not make an informed decision as they required more information. I sincerely applaud their commitment to their members!
An emphatic “no” to this program being mandatory! Well intentioned though they may be . . . why would members of the ORWP task force presume to think it’s their business to mandate my personal “wellness”?
Instead of dwelling on the components of the program, the task force should have had an open dialogue with members on the #1 critical issue — whether the program should be mandatory or optional. It should have been put to a member vote. Shame on OREA for ramming this down our throats.
This is very disturbing! We are self employed! Even ppl who are not self employed can opt out of a benefit plan!! They should make the survey public, I cannot believe ppl would want this FORCED upon them!!
There is mostly opposition to this plan, individual members were not consulted.
Surely sensible understanding is that a majority of members ALREAD HAVE A PLAN and many others are couples, whose plan costs are well below TWO INDIVIDUAL payments, or how about those over 65….why would they want a plan. My spouse and I as registrants can get adequate coverage for about $500 per year in total; not precisely the same coverage yet adequate to our need.
Mandatory coverage is going to extract about $63M from the economic pockets of Ontario registrant members of OREA. Many of those will have to pay the fee for what is duplicate or base coverage. It is such an unconscionable action.
And what is the data? Take time to visit the OREA site and see the depth…sorry the breadth…sorry the little information that is there. It is insulting to suggest our leadership did their due diligence, you and I do not need to know the details…after all they are registrants looking after our interests.
A majority vote is a crock, associations of association members is the poorest method of governance in the NPO sector.
Hopefully some enlightened associations will vote with their feet and remove themselves from OREA.
Who ever voted for this needs to be removed
OREA’s next move will be creating a mandatory pension plan that would require another 700% increase in annual dues for all members to fund the plan. Are you ready?
I wrote to the President, as well as left vm. I am a recent grad in Real Estate but in my previous career I was in disability as a medical nurse consultant for over 15 years for 10 of the major insurers across Canada including Medical Associations and Realtors at one point. Before that I was a medical tribunal appointee through the Prime Minister’s Office. I am also a cancer survivor and I voiced my concern as this package will not save us from anything. I had $100,000 Critical illness which I used to go to the Mayo Clinic, the best in the world to be told within a day my cancer was missed, in fact I had 2 types of cancer and I opted for surgery the next day. The only thing that saved me was the fact that I also invested in real estate and sold one of my properties to pay for ongoing treatment. Yes, the care/treatment options are better in the US and if I did not leave I would have died. By the way the chemo, the government gives you in Canada is $75 a cycle and side effects if you survive is heart issues because they figure you won’t live pass 10 years.
BOTTOM LINE this policy is not sufficient for anyone, even to buy a burial plot because those costs have hit the roof. Each person/family is different and there should be options including a choice to opt in or out. What insurance company is benefitting and what is the term as well was a tender put out? Given, the outcry I feel this plan needs more thought, investigation and a working group from the members !!!
It will be interesting to see how many agents OREA has on January 2nd. I suspect this will be the straw that broke the camel’s back for many. The ones who remain will certainly have to make up the losses which will inevitably make the premiums skyrocket.
I agree to all who opposes to this program. Anyone doing a Willing to sign.
We do not need it and it should be optional. It discriminate on the base of age and some of us may have spousal coverage. All realtors should get together for class acton law suite. I agree with all who oppose it.
Mandatory is a very bad word these days- nothing should be mandatory, especially when you are self employed. What’s next? Mandatory vaccines?
The problem is that this is mandatory. Not sure how you are doing but business is very slow right now and I actually have not made any money yet this year. There was nothing stopping anyone from purchasing coverage in the past if they felt they needed it. We all need to be responsible for ourselves and our families. Expecting the Association to take care of it for us is a bit like communism in my opinion.
So proud to be part of a forward movement for all agents and the first in North America to have benefits!
I have been a member of OREA for 35 years this Aug 15. I taught HS math (everyone’s favourite subject) for 18 years were we had terrific medical & insurance coverage etc I was disappointed there were no health & insurance coverages and hoped there would someday soon be coverage for us through OREA. That never came till now!! A little bit late as now I’m 76 years old. The statements from OREA are vague as to what my benefit reduction will be at my age. Shouldn’t I know what I’m covered for especially if I will have to pay the full mandatory price.
You know what’s even more of an insult is that I feel I’m in better condition that most agents in Ontario but I will be treated like an old health risk! Why wouldn’t you get a medical for everyone over 65 to determine their state of health & not just put them under a reduced coverage umbrella. Stay healthy fellow agents
Nothing from our associations is ever done quickly, and yet, this somehow did. I feel that someone is making a lot of money from this decision, hence, the quick turnaround in getting it passed. I don’t like “mandatory”. We are not their salaried employees. The lack of options is also a concern. No dental or vision and very limited coverage for a few services. Someone needs to back track this decision.
I would join any lawsuit that will challenge this mandate! Does anyone have a good lawyer that will take this on? I am on the Niagara Board.
Would someone be willing to start a petition that we can all sign and send to OREA?
Already in place
Oh boohoo, I am pretty sure most of you faired extremally well during the COVID boom. Besides this is a part job for most of you? $660/yr? Stop the whining.
As the name suggests, OREA is a real estate association and I expect them to deal with all matters that relate to the real estate industry. Health plan is not one of those issues. Members of the association are not employees of OREA, nor are they unionized. They are small independent business owners and owners of corporations. Mandating a plan that is not related to real estate is outside of the scope of OREAs purview. It does not matter how wonderful the plan is, it does not matter how much it costs, and it does not matter how many boards voted for it. OREA and its boards should have recognized that it is not their decision to make. Some members might love the plan and welcome it, and they should be able to have it: by choice NOT by force. The plan should be optional.
Many agents have raised concerns and objections, before June 20th and since, only to be ignored or to receive a condescending and dismissive response from the powers that be.
Over the last few years, OREA has done some polling on the issue of health and health plan, but has never ever mentioned that it would be a ‘mandatory’ plan. That one word changes the entire issue.
OREA please hear (not just listen, but actually hear) your members and pull the plug on this mandatory plan. Make it optional.
Precisely, Orea is not our employer. But to force this through they make it mandatory in order to become a member and sidestep that requirement.
However, what choice do board member agents have when?:
1) in order to be have access to MLS one must be a member of an MLS board
2) it is mandatory for every member of an MLS board be a paying member of OREA
3) It is mandatory for any member of OREA to be a member of CREA
4) individual members can only vote to elect board directors or vote on certain by-law changes
Absolutely none! The individual member is impotent to do anything about this other than to accept it or move along.
By-laws requiring a member vote are to ensure the plurailty of the individual members agree to a change that is significant. This is a significant change.
This was obvioulsy negotiated over months, but there was zero reason why this was put to survey mere days before the vote. It could have been survey months ago when OREA thought it a good idea or it could wait for next year. There is no rush here is there? Is anyone dying that this is so desperately needed in January?
This vote, because it is enacting a significant fee increase and change to the membership and membership requirements should have required a plurality of memebrs to agree to the individual change since in TRREB the life insurance is now going away or 100% board agreement so as to not alienate those smaller boards who do not want in.
But OREA and its directors full well know that those smaller boards are backed into a corner as they won’t disenfranchise their members by opting out of MLS.
Essentially, each tier of ORE as we have now seen from the CREA exclusive listing change and this OREAhealth insurance edict, it has proven easy to circumvent the individual member change to any newfangled, cockamamie scheme they think up by amending at board of driirector level, the requirments to obtain membership.
this outrageous decision needs to be overturned! I did not approve of this nor did any of my Realtor colleagues. How do we get this reversed?
There are 3 things you can do:
1) Sign and share the petition against the ORWP
2) Join the FB group for: Ontario REALTORS opposing mandatory OREA ORWP, and
3) Donate to the fundraiser to help cover legal cost
I filled out a negative survey, however I’m sure most people didn’t read between the lines.
Now I’m thinking there are no options.
Does anyone know of a way to prevent this wellness program of being mandatory for the members….or can you even put out of OREA while still acting as a realtor in Ontario?
This is a very abusive practice, not all members have the same needs or even making decent money in the field.
There are 3 things you can do:
1) Sign and share the petition against the ORWP
2) Join the FB group for: Ontario REALTORS opposing mandatory OREA ORWP, and
3) Donate to the fundraiser to help cover legal cost
I contacted the Niagara Association of Realtors President to ask how our Board voted. I was told that they do not need to share that information with me. Why not? Why the secrecy? Certainly there must be something Realtors can do to have this decision reversed or at least modified to have an optional program. It certainly feels like this is a violation of The Charter of Rights.
Yup, Doug, I did the same. (NAR) So we don’t even know how our “elected” Board voted as a group. I really don’t care if they voted YES to the plan. I object to the voting YES to being Mandatory!
Does anyone know how the vote was made, which associations voted opposed?
As a former Insurance Agent who sold Group Insurance, it is the “Employer” who would sign a contract with the Insurance company, and the contract is with them. The individuals in this group would then have to sign a document accepting the terms of the policy, therefore “signing up” for this coverage. At least that’s the way it was. I am not employed by OREA so not sure how they can enforce this on my behalf if the contract is between them and the Insurance company. I think their “workaround” to make it mandatory is to hide/incorporate these premiums into our annual “dues” thereby making it mandatory, or lose our licence. If this is an opt -in proposition that would be different, as many realtors don’t need this as they are insured elsewhere. In addition, seniors are not covered for certain benefits, and is non existent or diminished in others but the realtor would still have to pay full premiums. It’s a mediocre plan at best.. no dental or vision either. This smacks of discrimination and the whole thing is grossly unfair to make this mandatory for me to retain my Real Estate Licence, IMO. OREA says “but we’re committed to creating a more sustainable future for Members to conduct their business.” I don’t need an insurance plan to conduct my business. It is not a requirement, and OREA is not looking after my best interests by railroading all of us.. We were not given an opportunity to vote, and I know 77% of members do not want this.
This shouldn’t be mandatory, must be optional. We don’t need it. If anyone needs, they should go for. They cannot compelled everyone to buy, this is nothing but forcefully charging money.
Speak to your MPP’s everyone! Orea operates under Rebba, which gives them limited governing powers, under that act. No where in the act does it indicate they have the power to mandate our health coverage. We are independent contractors, not unionized, not employees. I am meeting with my MPP Thursday morning.
I do not believe they have the legal authority to mandate this.
I have followed Tammy’s excellent suggestion and have just sent a message to Wayne Gates, Niagara’s MPP. We still have 6 months to try to get this plan rescinded in its present form. If there are any legal experts here, would a class action lawsuit being filed be enough to delay this discriminatory insurance plan?
Also – for anyone who hasn’t – please join Ontario REALTORS® opposing mandatory OREA ORWP on Facebook.
As a broker of record, I am totally against a mandatory health plan, in fact mandatory anything. The board I belong to made electronic lockboxes mandatory a few years ago and they continue to be a bone of contention with members as well as an occasional problem functioning properly. I especially take exception to boards and associations, whether local, provincial or federal giving the general membership no say in major decisions. Unfortunately the voting members on the local boards that get to vote do not represent the general membership. All the boards should a the very least obtain responses from the general membership by way of a survey and listening to the results before taking a vote on important issues. The wellness plan is well intended but making it mandatory? I doubt it.
OREA has a trojan horse in there midst, this idea of mandatory insurance just increases the discussion of the whole relevancy of the association to the members that pay for it’s existence. OREA senior management needs to kill tjis idea asap.
Can you mandate membership rules revisions that are specifically designed to eliminate a select group of members ??
Can you revise a federal trademark licensing agreement (realtor and MLS) for one part of the nation and not another ??
Can you enact membership rules revisions that discriminates on gender, race or age whether intentional or effectively ??
Should any current member of OREA whose livelihood is negatively impacted by these rules revisions seek legal council immediately ??
Should local MLS systems Boards of Directors immediately seek legal council on their own exposure to lawsuits brought forward where a competing member of their mls believes the Directors vote to limit competition in their marketplace could financially benefit the member of the board (or their brokerage) itself.
Imagine the cost increase to access MLS system data for a large Brokerage of 500. Imagine the advantage a tiny brokerage like HouseSigma gains immediately when a large Brokerage gets billed and then passes on $30K a year in added mandatory expense ??
What if your Brokerage Business Model was built on the unique benefit your Brokerage was providing with included FREE insurance and now a trade association you are mandated to join to access mls data wipes out a key differentiator in your recruitment process ??
The only reason this rules revision will be enacted is if members DO NOT simply question whether their legal and business rights are being respected.
You should demand your local Board of Directors immediately ( not days from now ) supplies you with their due diligence in researching these type of questions before they voted to force you to pay this in perpetuity just to maintain your access to the mls.
BTW who got paid the huge Venngo Referral Fee years ago to OREA ?
Who is getting the Referral Fee that obviously is due on such a huge long term insurance program like this?
Oh right…remember when all those Point2Homes Referral Fee documents were removed from the net immediately after MLS systems began to promote Point2Homes ?
What about those massive Electronic Lockbox referral fees ?
Sorry it’s $300K for that brokerage. That is enough to build the best idx website in Canada in 2023 which in turn should be expected to generate at least one extra transaction side a year for the brokerage agents.
An easy way to pay for the Best Health and Life Insurance Possible!
totally unecessary ORWP
It’s time for OREA to go. We could take care of all of our needs at a board level. There is no value being provided.
Pretty much a useless waste of dollars for older Realtors but I guess we have to think of our fellow younger Realtors……I suppose. I thought I might get some benefit from the Out of Country travel insurance but that too is based on age so I am screwed there also.
Should never be Mandatory , make it optional. Lots of questions are not answered and the decision was rushed. The Survey was misleading, by not mentioning that is going to be forced on us: “MANDATORY. “
There are many Facebook pages that have sprung up because of OWRP. One thing for sure is that realtors are most upset with it being mandatory. Most realtors agree there should have been and opt-in.
The benefits provided for seniors is a ridiculous. We get a lot of these items through OHIP.
Most seniors have medical conditions that would prevent them from benefiting from travel insurance.
Some members have health coverage with other insurers and have been told that they will no longer be covered when this program kicks in. Those packages are far better than OWRP offers, granted they are with higher premiums but worth it. Many people also have private coverage that they want more than this offering.
The by-laws were changed on the day of the vote which gave The Board of Directors power to put this through. I never received a survey either through TRREB which had the majority of the votes, nor through OREA. Why was this not on the Program at Realtor Quest and AGM to let people have a say in an open forum.
TRREB was on the discussion panel with OREA so that seems counterproductive in an unbiased vote. The complete insurance package was never sent out to the members prior to the vote so we could have a complete understanding of the “Wellness Benefit Package”.
Another issue is we are independent contractors and if we don’t pay the dues then we don’t have the right to join a Brokerage on a Member Board like TRREB and therefore can’t use the MLS. They are taking our right away to make a living. To have our licenses parked without the use of MLS is like going into retirement.
$500 medical coverage for 1 year on all the combined could be gone in a flash, consultations alone are expensive as are hearing aids and orthotics, to name a few.
Critical illness for the most part is covered under OHIP. $750 for health care will not go far. A couple of messages and chiropractor visits and it’s gone.
Many realtors are calling for the board removal. What we should be asking is them to do is put this Wellness Package on hold, to better think this through. They can’t be impervious to all of the comments and letters and emails that have been sent to them. Call a meeting of all realtors in Ontario to attend and let our voices be heard
How does mandatory insurance provide one more step to proffesionalism. ? Ummm so do l tell my clients because my real estate organization mandates health insurance, l will provide more professional service but your commission has to be increased to provide this extra professional service to you!!
Which really doesn’t provide an to you at all! Really???r
Very simply a blatant case of extortion and blackmail.
“Mandatory” is a very awful way of running a business imo. If their plan was all that it was cracked up to be, they wouldn’t have to force it down our throats. I have zero interest in their wellness program. many have already mentioned this, this is just OREA creating work for themselves after they lost their educational business.
Just when the economy is tanking, deals are getting scarce and many are not making any transactions, orea decides to come up with this bogus excuse as a way to shore up their financial well being at our expense.
I think it is time for orea to go away, I don’t see what is their mission for even existing? were they even at Realtor Quest? they come out with this after RQ event in TO because they know what kind of a backlash they would have received during those two days.
I think legal action is warranted. Enough of this. Unless they want us all to get out of the business so that a few “teams” can have all the business and control the market? I guess we have too much competition now eh orea?
orea needs to go gently in that good night and fast.
Another issue that I predict will come after the first year. For one reason or another, orea will be increasing their “value pricing” packages and they will come up with all sorts of reasons for doing so.
Introductory offers people. Keep that in mind. once they get their claws into us, everything else is fair game. Just a money grab and a make work project. As well. I have zero interest in having orea handling my health matters and having access to my info?
I think the person that came up with this needs to do some of them mental health zoom calls and get their mental state fixed because this makes no sense to a rational person one bit.
I agree with most. I am 67 and this will be of no benefit to me. Why should I pay for everyone else that will benefit?
We are not employees, therefore this should not be mandatory in my opinion.
The upper tier seems to control all of us whether we like it or not.
For those of you opposing this mandate there is a facebook group for you to join – Ontario Realtors Opposing Mandatory OREA ORWP. There is also a petition to say no to mandatory ORWP and can be accessed on our facebook group. This is deinitely not a plan that Realtors voted for. Sure some may want it and that is great but it should be optional not mandatory. There are many many of us who do not need nor want this program and for seniors it is even worse as 50% of benefits disappear at 65 and are gone at 70. How is that a fair and inclusive plan? And why would someone 65+ need to pay the same amount as everyone else for half the benefits. Orea and my board TRREB did not have the best interests of its members planning and passing this with also passing a bylaw on the same day to be able to lump payments into our Dues. Worst of all, if we do say no and opt out we have to leave OREA and our board thereby giving up our rights to MLS system to market our listings for our clients. After 35 years in this business to say I expected more from them is an understatement. We do not work for OREA or TRREB – we are not employees and therefore they have no right to implement this. We are independent contractors and are self employed – I think they forgot about that.
This is fundamentally an infringement of human rights. For a not for profit organization where its members, who are independent contractors and not employees, and who elect its directors, to dictate how I manage my own health is a human rights violation and needs to be reversed. When the question was asked to all its members if we wanted a benefits program, the mandatory aspect was never mentioned. A key element. OREA is skating on very thin ice.
OREA, to make sure they survive has somehow convinced the Toronto Real Estate Board to tack on OREA annual fees (includes the ORWP fee) onto TREB annual dues. So you can’t NOT pay OREA fees. So you HAVE to pay in order to continue to have access to the MLS system. This is very shady and underhanded since membership in OREA is not mandatory to practice real estate in Ontario. Once again the little guy gets screwed and we end up subsidizing a bunch of fat cats at the top.