You may know me, you may not. My name is Andrew Fogliato and I’ve been in the real estate industry for more than 10 years. I’ve been an agent. I’ve conducted training sessions in brokerages and spoken on countless industry stages. Worked in the head office of a big brand. Consulted with proptech companies. I currently also own a real estate marketing agency named Just Sell Homes. My whole professional life revolves around real estate in one way or another.
I remember joining my first brokerage, Re/Max York Group, under Bill Jenkins. He told me that I couldn’t join his office if I was only going to do it part time.
I quit my job and jumped in with both feet.
I met a lot of great people in that office who pushed my career forward. People like Marcel Gery, Barb Blaser and Barb Brindle. I might not still be in the industry without their help and support early on. There are many more who made an impact. This industry is filled with a lot of great people.
When I launched Just Sell Homes, I got so much support from the real estate community. Way too many to name but there have been a lot who have helped over the years. Now I want to grow this community and make sure others can feel that sense of support, too.
Back when I was still licensed, I remember picking up a newspaper that was always sitting next to the front desk in my brokerage. I loved reading success stories and learning more about how the industry works. I learned a lot from that newspaper. As I’m sure you can guess, that newspaper was REM.
I never would have guessed that 10 years later, I’d be taking over as the new publisher after buying REM with my brother.
Almost everyone in the Canadian real estate industry, to one degree or another, knows REM. It’s always been a respected brand. When the news came out back in April that REM was looking for new owners, I had countless people reach out to say I should buy it.
Little did most of them know I had already tried a couple years ago. So again I reached out to William Molls to see if we could make a deal. After a little back and forth, and despite some competition, we came to terms.
Over the next couple weeks I made a lot of calls, trying to get everything sorted. One of them was with the long-term editor, Jim Adair. He said he felt like the father of the bride, asking,
“What are your intentions with my baby?”
I bet a few of you are wondering the same thing.
Our initial re-launch of REM will be digital only. If there’s an appetite in the future when people are more consistently back in the office, we’ll bring print back, too.
We’re going to continue covering what’s going on in the industry. We’ll share the good and the bad. We’ll shine light where it needs to be shone and we’ll do it with honesty and integrity.
We have zero intentions to put the content behind a paywall. I believe the information should be out there for everyone to see, so you can better educate yourself about the industry, understand what’s going on and learn from people with a lot of experience.
That doesn’t mean there will never be premium content. In fact, at some point I can guarantee there will be premium content. But the main content will be free and available to everyone.
You’ll understand why we are charging for premium content when you see it.
Our goal is simple: Provide as much value to you and the real estate industry as a whole as possible.
We want to continue the great legacy that REM has built since 1989. We’ll also always be looking for ways to build on that legacy and embrace more forms of media. The changes won’t happen overnight but you’ll be seeing more as we continue this re-launch of REM.
I’m looking forward to taking this next step. I know there’s a lot of work to do going forward but the team here at REM is up for it.
One thing you’ll start seeing soon are surveys and other things so we can get to know you. We want to learn more about who our readers are and what challenges you face day to day. That way we can better tailor the content you see.
I’d like to say a big thank you to Humber College, which has jumped in with both feet to be our premiere launch partner. They were one of the first to reach out and want to be involved. They saw the vision and we’re excited to work with them to help better the industry!
A big thank you to Jim Adair, who has helped us co-ordinate the re-launch from his retirement and is supporting our search for a new editor to take the reins. He’s put a lot of work in to help get this back up and running and we’re incredibly appreciative of his help.
I’d love to hear from you in the comments. What have you loved about REM over the years and what would you like to see going forward?

Andrew Fogliato – The G is silent – is the owner of Real Estate Magazine and Just Sell Homes. He mostly talks about marketing but sometimes ventures into other topics in the real estate world. Sometimes he also writes bios in the 3rd person.
Congratulations Andrew! REW is in great hands. Looking forward to your content.
Ya! What Jerry Said!
Thanks for stepping in, also for stepping up Andrew. BRAVO. 👏👏👏
I will bring REM renewal to CREA’s ESG Committee attention at our upcoming meeting as I do see the importance for a Canadian Realtors magazine on a national level be maintained by the real estate industry.
Congratulations Andrew. Looking forward to REM 2.0 🙌
Congratulations Andrew … glad that REM will continue to educate and inspire new generations of real estate salespeople.
Congratulations Andrew !!
from Nick, Heather, Pat, Albert and Ryan + all of your friends at RE/MAX Real Estate (Central) in Calgary !!
#lifeisgood 😎
This is great news, Andrew. REM was my go to source for all news and information about real estate. Happy that it’s in good hands!
Excellent news. Thank you for stepping up.
Congarts on the big move! Pm’d you on FB!
REM magazune and its info from across Canada, for any REALTOR has been missed. Look forward to its comeback. Thank you for taking the adventure.
Sad to see the emphasis already on premium (which seems a fee to read) content.
Congratulations Andrew. Can’t wait to see what unfolds in this new journey for you and REM.
Congratulations Andrew. REM is new to us but we will go looking for the digital edition.. All the best.
Congratulations to you Andrew and brother. Amazing Humber College is your partner for premium content and a lovely bonus to get Jim Adair back to spear head the launch as editor ✍️.
Look forward seeing how you and Rem do in the coming year. Your a true leader in the industry.
Congratulations & I look forward to seeing your content!
Great news. Looking forward!
I hope to see some great commercial content!
Congratulations Andrew!! I always loved that REM not only provided stories about what is going on in the industry, but also great accomplishments that Realtors make to help their communities and charities.
Congratulations Andrew! That’s awesome news! Well done Sir
Congrats Andrew! I have no doubt you will bring new and interesting content to REM and bring it to a new level! I always enjoyed reading it and look forward to seeing your fresh take on it.
Congrats. Long unexplored magazine – really a great move forward.
Congratulations Andrew! REM was my go to source when I started and I am glad to see it come back
Congratulations Andrew and your brother! I am looking forward to seeing REM in my inbox again. I always enjoyed reading about peoples growth in the industry, and tips from our peers and trainers. Even the ads about new product and events. Thank you for picking up the torch.
Congratulations Andrew! This is very exciting and I can’t wait to see what you do with it. I’ve always loved reading REM.
Congratulations Andrew! This is very exciting and I can’t wait to see what you do with it. I’ve always loved reading REM.
Andrew, congratulations, very exciting. The future for our industry just got a bit brighter with you and your team shining a beacon on it. I wish you the very best
Great news. Congrats Andrew…Happy to send you some “news” as it happens.
Congratulations Andrew! Really looking forward to seeing what you and your team can do with this.
Congratulations Andrew !
Nice to see REM live and looking forward to 3.0 😉
REM was always looked forward to, so welcome back!
Fabulous news. I have missed REM and look forward to the new editions. Congratulations on your start !
Congrats Andrew. Now I dont have to keep the secret. Well done.
Congratulations Andrew! Strong move. Looking forward to watching you grow REM and leading the way for the industry.
Congratulations to you Andrew and your brother. Joe Perri @ The Sergey Korostensky Group @ Comox Realty Group Inc.
Congratulations Andrew! Great news for you and all of us.
Congrats and best wishes Andrew! I’ve always enjoyed the diverse columns written by Realtors giving their perspectives on issues within our industry. I look forward to that dialogue continuing but I will miss Over A Pint! Cheers 🙂
Congrats! Looking forward to reading it!
Congratulations Jim and Heino for finding what looks like a great buyer in Andrew, his team and new enthusiasm. Carrying on the great tradition of serving the real estate industry is a big responsibility. All the best Andrew. I know you are going digital but as you suggested, we are recommending that you circulate to all real estate offices in Canada as much as possible, periodically at the least. Nothing like going into a real estate office front door and picking up a copy of REM to see what is going on in our profession.
Congratulations Andrew! Looking forward to sharing news with your outlet and consuming your 2.0 content.
Congratulations and much success !
I loved the print copy of REM and I was getting used to the digital version. This re-launch is very good news for our industry. I hope that you can keep it free and not ever need to go premium as the majority of realtors are not making enough to spend in terms of keeping abreast through a magazine with the good, the bad and the ugly of our realm, and so to get a free sounding board like REM will be a valuable professional resource that all equally get to benefit from.
Great News Andrew … REM has always been a must read . I know you will make it even better, because that’s what you do . Congratulations I look forward to some great content and don’t be afraid to tell them that all in is the only way to go .
Congratulations Andrew! Thanks for bringing back REM!
Thank you, Andrew for bringing REM back to those of us that have read and contributed to it over the years.
Congrats! Looking forward to it.
Congratulations Andrew. I am thrilled that REM is back and that you will continue to be a part of the educational process for REALTORS nationwide…..and beyond!
Great to hear, its been missed. Good luck to you and your brother.
Congratulations, Andrew! This is great news. Looking forward to seeing what you do with REM.
Well, this just seems like a perfect fit! Congrats to you and your team, Andrew!
Always been a fan of the magazine. Look forward to the REM refresh.
This is great news Andrew – Congratulations to you and your brother – I know you are going to do a great job. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this great publications.
Congratulations Andrew. I know we often discuss topics that appeared in REM before and we’re looking forward to your spin on the real estate world.
Exciting news, way to go Andrew!
Congratulations!! Looking forward to the future and the new REM.
Congratulations on bringing back REM – as a vendor servicing the industry it has long been a key source of “insider info”. Definitely looking forward to seeing what the new REM will look like!
Congratulations Andrew. Please send me your advertising fee information. My partner. Tom Gay, a former president of Bran Buffini Associates, and I want to be one of your first advertisers. We also would like to submit regular content for you.
Congratulations on the investment as you are the right new owner for REM.
I look forward to the opportunity to support your efforts.
Congratulations Andrew!!!
It’s so great working with you!!
Congratulations on bringing REM back and thank you to Jim for assisting in the process.
This is amazing news, Andrew! You have worked so hard in our industry and your efforts are very much appreciated. I know you will do an amazing job and thanks for keeping REM alive.
In my 28 years as a Realtor in Oakville and Toronto there is one publications that has always stood out in my mind – REM, especially the wonderful columnists. I hope that you retain at least some of them. Best of luck.
Congratulations! Thank you so much for keeping this well respected professional publication alive! Looking forward to continuing to enjoy the stimulating articles.
This is very good news indeed. You were very fortunate to have Jim Adair stick handle through some of the transitional details on your behalf. I will miss his deft comments whilst chastising some of us—me included—for our occasional politically incorrect submissions.
BTW: I just read your “Submit a Comment” guidelines.
“…we will not publish any comments that goes past a fair discussion…”
should read…
“…we will not publish any comments that go past a fair discussion…”
If you need a back up editor, have your people call my people:-)
Brian Martindale
Not dead yet and still at it from my mother’s basement right beside the recently sprung mouse trap.
Congratulations Andrew!
This is very exciting news.
Your journey continues to take you a long way from the blue heritage building on Yonge St in Aurora. I’m so happy for you and your family, and for the real estate industry who will benefit from the REM content again.
Congratulations Andrew.
I am very excited to see what’s next for Canada’s Real Estate MagazIne.
I have this incredible feeling that you will grow and expand our reading pleasure and provide us with up-to-date information and educational opportunities.
Wishing you all the best and thank you for stepping up to bring this fabulous Magazine back to all of us.
Congratulations Andrew! So happy this publication is back. We know your group will continue to share great information about our industry, continue to highlight successful brokers & realtors & new technology !
Congratulations, Andrew!
I am looking forward to your plans for Canada’s Real Estate Magazine.
Wishing you great success!