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Key traits of a real estate leader

Key traits of a real estate leader

What is it about some leaders that make others want to work harder under their direction? What makes a good leader in general, and a good real estate leader in particular? In a nutshell, a boss tells employees what to do to keep the organization afloat. A leader...
How personality affects leadership

How personality affects leadership

Professionals in the real estate business prize qualities such as strategic thinking, knowledge of the market and customer service in their quest for business dominance. While these qualities are essential to the successful practice of real estate, two equally...
Watch: Work on your leadership skills

Watch: Work on your leadership skills

Here’s how you can become a stronger and better leader – even if you don’t have a team. Even if you work on your own, you must lead the people you work with and even your customers. Bruce Keith explains in this short video. Bruce KeithBruce Keith is a leading Real...
In search of a winning culture in a brokerage

In search of a winning culture in a brokerage

When most salespeople go into a real estate brokerage for their first interview, they will usually hear from the manager/owner that “our brokerage is unique because we have a great culture”. Everyone talks about a great culture, everyone says that they possess it, but...