by Toni Sing and Jenny Wun | Nov 5, 2020 | Advice for Agents
In this episode, Toni and Jenny talk about how they are dealing with the stress of the real estate business, particularly now during the pandemic. While we’re social distancing and unable to take part in many of our regular activities, many of us have been...
by Aiman Attar | Mar 27, 2020 | Columnists, Featured
We are headed into a crucial economic abyss where most people are filled with fear and uncertainty. No doubt this will have an impact on your clientele, but it also has an impact on the morale and stress of your administrative and sales team. As the industry leaders,...
by William Molls | Aug 30, 2018 | Publisher's Page
When I was in high school, a new kid moved to our town and quickly became part of my group of friends. We called him “Communist Mike”. It wasn’t just a clever nickname. He literally was a communist. Only about a year later, though, Mike passed away after taking his...