by Jamie Burke | Feb 2, 2024 | Advice for Agents, Sales & Marketing
In 2023, HubSpot reported that the main reason 63 per cent of realtors were using social media was to promote their property listings. Given today’s digital landscape, this hardly comes as a surprise. But does social media really lead to leads for realtors? An...
by Justin Konikow | Feb 1, 2024 | Advice for Agents, Guest Columns
The celebritization of our industry has reached a breaking point. In 2022-2023, many newer agents came into this business with the dreams of Selling Sunset. Now, they’re facing a new reality. The highlight reel of life promised by Instagram comes with some fine...
by Andrew Fogliato | Dec 28, 2023 | Publisher's Page, Sales & Marketing
You need to post on social media every day to stay relevant! You’ve heard it time and time again from agents, trainers, influencers, etc. … It’s well-intentioned advice, and much of its original meaning was right at the time. However, I believe that, over time, the...
by Jennifer McNamara | Dec 15, 2023 | Sales & Marketing, Technology
In true December fashion, let’s focus on the trending holiday sounds and templates! If you’re new to Instagram Reels, check out our article, Instagram Reels 101: Your ultimate starter guide. Hear those sleigh bells jingling You can use this Reel template and...
by Jennifer McNamara | Jul 28, 2023 | Advice for Agents, Technology
We’ve been getting some awesome feedback on our monthly ‘Reels for Realtors’ columns, so we figured, why not take a step back and give the Instagram Reel newbies the ultimate starter guide? We have all the goods to help you create quality content....