When you walk into a store, are you dealing with a sales rep who wants to make a quick sale, or someone who really cares about helping you make the right decision?
Coming off too aggressively is the last thing we want to be when picking up the phone. So we avoid making those dreaded cold calls. There are many tips for becoming great at cold calling, but these are the top three to remember:
1. Have a good script: Experienced professionals know what questions to ask, how to introduce themselves and the way to keep their dialogue simple. Over the phone, they only have a few minutes, if not seconds, to maintain interest. Having a script as a starter helps maintain your focus and makes sure you ask good questions. Eventually you will naturally veer away from a standard script and formulate new conversations.
2. Your tone of voice and cues: Emotion is very hard to ignore over the phone. It is one of the best cues to assess if you are proceeding in the right direction with your clients and prospects. Everything from feeling pressured or rushed to having a good or bad day can be read like a book. Pay attention and adjust your discussion accordingly, even if this means reconnecting with certain people at a later date. When the vibe feels right, conversations will unfold effortlessly.
3. End the call with a next step: What is your purpose for reaching out to Sam or Jane? Always have the next step in mind. Is it to send an email attachment of your services? Is it to schedule a follow-up call or meeting? Is it to handle specific questions? Or is it to close the listing appointment right then and there?
Calling to speak for the sake of speaking because the conversation feels natural is not enough. While rapport is important, your focus should always be on point. Are they willing to play ball or not?
There are numerous other tips for preparing for an important sales call. Smile. Stand up. Have bullet points ready to go on paper. Include a few added questions to have by your side.
However, it is the passion and enthusiasm for what you do that is truly the driver behind making a successful call and to keep going when rejection hits close to home. It is those who preserver that make it to the finish line. What will you do to get there?

Nicole Attias is the owner of Prospect2Win. Prospect2Win is a sales-based company in Canada that is dedicated to helping businesses get in the door through cold calling and presentation training. Nicole facilitates workshops and webinars for real estate agents and various real estate boards. Contact – nicole@prospect2win.com
Stay tuned for my upcoming eBook, “Transform your sales approach – More than just a cold call.”