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Staging to Sell classes offered in Aurora

Staging to Sell, What Every Agent Should Know is the official curriculum of the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) and available in Canada for all real estate sales professionals.

Hundreds of agents and brokers across the Greater Toronto Area and Ontario now hold the RESA CSA (Certified Staging Advocate) designation.

Due to demand, a class is scheduled just in time for the spring market. Nina Doiron, who will be the instructor, says the five-hour, in-class continuing education course benefits real estate sales professionals by educating them on how staging will protect their client’s interests and position them as knowledgeable advocates of staging.

Upon completion of the program, agents will be able to effectively communicate the benefits of staging to their clients and screen a stagers to ensure their clients receive the best possible service, Doiron says. The program also offers agents more than 50 tips that can be immediately applied to any of their existing or upcoming listings, she says.

Doiron is an experienced and award-winning home stager. She is a RESA-PRO and a RESA Approved Instructor for the GTA.

The upcoming class is scheduled for March 4 in Aurora, Ont. To register or for more information, click here.

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