by Andrew Fogliato | Dec 28, 2023 | Publisher's Page, Sales & Marketing
You need to post on social media every day to stay relevant! You’ve heard it time and time again from agents, trainers, influencers, etc. … It’s well-intentioned advice, and much of its original meaning was right at the time. However, I believe that, over time, the...
by Andrew Fogliato | Nov 2, 2023 | Advice for Agents, Publisher's Page, Sales & Marketing
“If you’re not doing video, you’ll be out of the business in 5 years!” That was over 10 years ago when I got my license. One of the first training courses I attended outside of my brokerage. The speaker went on to say that agents who do video would push the rest out...
by Andrew Fogliato | Sep 20, 2023 | Columnists, Publisher's Page
When you get into real estate, you’ll find a set of well-worn phrases. Phrases that many in the industry accept without question. They can be short, sweet and often rhyme, carrying an air of “this must be true” that gets people nodding (it’s an...
by Andrew Fogliato | Aug 4, 2023 | Publisher's Page
In my last column, I mentioned what I believe is a major issue in our industry, apathy toward what happens in organized real estate. People only care when decisions they don’t like are made. There’s a separate column about the pros and cons of the current...
by Andrew Fogliato | Jul 28, 2023 | Columnists
As most in the industry have heard, there’s going to be a new mandatory health plan for all members of the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA). I’ve had people reach out from both sides of the debate, in more colourful wording, with accusations of...