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Watch: 5 ways to find listings

Watch: 5 ways to find listings

If you’re in one of Canada’s larger city centres, chances are you are currently dealing with a shortage of inventory, overpriced listings and competing offers. Imagine if you could tap into a host of other hidden resources for your buyers, offer more selection and...
Watch: What to expect when you’re prospecting

Watch: What to expect when you’re prospecting

When you’re prospecting for leads, what kind of results are likely? How many contacts should I be making an hour? Will I get more leads with a sales dialer or auto-dialer? What percentage of leads will I get a month from my contacts? Am I getting rejected too many...
Watch: The No. 1 sales insight

Watch: The No. 1 sales insight

Going door-knocking, you deal with all kinds. Grumpy people, doors slamming in your face, you name it. Bruce Keith has found one key insight from this experience that you can apply to real estate sales. Bruce KeithBruce Keith is a leading Real Estate...