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OPINION: Realtor advocacy is a delicate balance

BCREA contributes a monthly column to REM, published on the first Wednesday of each month. Interested in contributing to REM? We’d love to hear from you! Email us at

There are around 26,500 Realtors in British Columbia, give or take. As I’ve often said, each is a human being with human characteristics —unique motivations, beliefs, desires, fears, political leanings and business expectations. This creates a challenge for the BC Real Estate Association (BCREA) to then represent all Realtors in the province on issues affecting them and their business.

One of the primary roles of BCREA, as with most member-driven, professional associations, is to advocate on behalf of the sector. At BCREA we claim to be “the voice of BC Realtors.” When there is a policy change by government that affects housing or changes what Realtors need to know in order to best represent their client, or if there is a regulatory change that impacts real estate transactions and client relationships, it is expected that BCREA will step in to advocate for what is best for the sector.


“It’s no secret that the political landscape in British Columbia is subjecting many industries and sectors to incessant change.”


In conjunction with this, there is often an expectation that BCREA will ask what Realtors think of a scenario and then advocate for that. Be the voice, as it were. The problem is that there are so many other factors beyond just what Realtors feel or want, and these other factors need to be considered each and every time BCREA advocates. 

It’s no secret that the political landscape in British Columbia is subjecting many industries and sectors to incessant change. The pace of technology, the economic situation, environmental considerations, political disparity, health and safety expectations, and global pressures all combine to create both external and self-imposed pressure on government to act. This action comes in the form of legislation, policy, and regulation, which means change. There is no lobbying or advocating out of it. The change will continue to happen. So, BCREA’s role is to be proactive where we can and reactive when necessary.


“There are times…when government makes a decision without consultation and the impact is untenable for the industry or consumers. This is where BCREA needs to reactively step in.” 


To be proactive, we need a seat at the table. This requires relationships so there is an invitation to consult in advance and provide input where possible. BCREA currently has these relationships with both government and the regulator, and we’re proud of them. Of course, we all recognize that we won’t always agree on intent, process, or outcome, but that does not squash the possibility of a fulsome and respectful conversation. 

However, there is not always an opportunity to be proactive and provide that input. There are times—some Realtors might argue more often than not—when government makes a decision without consultation and the impact is untenable for the industry or consumers. This is where BCREA needs to reactively step in. 


“We cannot simply poll Realtors as a means of creating our stance on an issue. We must assess the issue from all angles.”


Whether being proactive or reactive, BCREA takes the responsibility of developing a robust, well-researched, comprehensive position very seriously. We cannot simply poll Realtors as a means of creating our stance on an issue. We must assess the issue from all angles. We look at the impact on industry and consumers, legal obligations, privacy considerations, feedback from other stakeholder groups, unintended consequences, training and education required—the list goes on. The information obtained is then compiled into a position for the sector that BCREA becomes the voice of.

And therein lies the rub. This position, developed after days, weeks, and sometimes months of work, may not align with the expectations of some Realtors. Given all the factors influencing the situation at the time, and considering all the work done to develop the position, it may not even be the outcome that the sector expects. So, how then is BCREA the voice of BC Realtors?

The way I see it, BCREA is simply doing the work that Realtors would each do individually if they had the same responsibility, moving beyond self-interest by balancing the interests of various stakeholder groups. 


And make no mistake: We are the voice of B.C. Realtors. It’s just that we’re one voice—not 26,500.


What’s more, BCREA, alongside the province’s member boards and associations, ensures that we understand the priorities for Realtors and how change truly impacts their clients and business. We collect information through surveys. We have committees consisting of Realtors and managing brokers. We engage through resources like BCREA’s Managing Broker Support line. We have well over 100 years of industry experience on staff and, unique to 2024, we conducted the Listening Tour, which saw us host 29 in-person sessions in 18 communities, engaging with hundreds of Realtors.

Understanding and distilling those priorities is a process that’s easier said than done, but it’s intrinsic to every success that we have. And make no mistake: We are the voice of B.C. Realtors. It’s just that we’re one voice—not 26,500.

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