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10 first-time homebuyer trends

10 first-time homebuyer trends

Genworth Canada’s 2019 First-Time Homeownership Study provides a snapshot of the demographics of Canada’s first-time homebuyers (FTBs), what’s motivating them and what they’re buying. The study surveyed more than 1,800 Canadians aged 25-40 who purchased their first...
Home sharing a win-win for two generations

Home sharing a win-win for two generations

Many millennials believe they may never be able to afford a home unless they have family that can help them out financially. But baby boomers, many of whom are now seniors, are also being significantly affected by the rising costs of living. With no relief in sight...
Is work ethic a thing of the past?

Is work ethic a thing of the past?

It seems like employees today don’t have the same work ethic as in days gone by. Is this true or is it media hype? I’ve seen many, many articles decrying the state of work and productivity, with the blame being squarely placed on the backs of the entitled, bratty,...