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12 negotiation mistakes

12 negotiation mistakes

Negotiation is a huge part of a Realtor’s job, but there are lots of pitfalls along the way when we’re trying to seal the deal. Here are the 12 most common mistakes we make when negotiating and ways to avoid them. Gerald TostowarykGerald has been a licensed real...
The case for (not) charging a higher commission

The case for (not) charging a higher commission

Last week, I talked about defending your commission by presenting yourself as a rare pink diamond instead of a crusty old rock from the pawnshop. If you’re a highly skilled and experienced agent, who consistently delivers outstanding results, shouldn’t you get paid...
How to win a bidding war

How to win a bidding war

The strength of this sellers’ market is unprecedented in my 35 years in real estate. It is affecting every market in North America. It is particularly strong in suburban, semi-rural and rural markets. Inner-city commodity condominiums are the exception, but even those...
Offer negotiation: Seller options

Offer negotiation: Seller options

[quote_box_center]“So, when you are listening to somebody, completely, attentively, then you are listening not only to the words, but also to the feeling of what is being conveyed, to the whole of it, not part of it.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti[/quote_box_center] In this...